I would say in a way yes. I believe if anything is confirmed 3 times in multiple ways that's the answer.
I believe if an animal approaches you or stops you in your tracks they bring both a message and protection. The message is dependent upon the animal's spiritual meaning and the pause in your tracks is to keep you safe from something happening ahead of you. A delay can save your life or cause you to experience a fortunate turn of events. What doesn't work out, worked out.
I never walk under ladders because I've already broken a mirror once and both my ankles. If it's a thing, I'm just not going to test it. Murphy's law.
Why do you love Halloween?I love the fun of dressing up and getting together with friends. Though Kevin and Keith are more fans of Halloween for all the creepy darkness and pumpkin spice lattes. I am more of a Thanksgiving fan, because delicious food.
Do you scare easily?I'd say yes, but I'm also the throw a punch first and ask questions later kind of gal

Hocus Pocus & Ernest Scared Stupid are my all time favorite movies
What's your favorite Halloween song?"Come little children" from Hocus Pocus
What's your favorite Halloween candy?Chocolate covered marshmallow ghosts and pumpkins, peanut butter pumpkins and sometimes candy corn depending on the brand. Not all are created equal nor taste good.
What's the strangest thing you've received while trick-or-treating?I once was given produce, tomatoes to be exact.
Favorite horror monster or villain?I'd have to say I don't have a favorite villain but I genuinely did enjoy Freddy versus Jason that came out a few years ago. Freddy had great humor that helped me be able to get through it. I tend to avoid scary movies and Haunted houses because I tend to have nightmares afterwards that are not fun.
What was your favorite Halloween costume as a child?
It's been a few years but one year we had a wrestling themed party and we all dressed up like wrestlers, that was pretty fun actually. I walked around as Lilian holding a microphone "interviewing" all the wrestlers.
Do you prefer gore or thrillers?I'm definitely a thriller fan. I'm not a fan of gore.
Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees (if you had to choose)?Ooofff.. I wouldn't want to meet either one of them. But if you're going to go out I'd choose Jason. I'd rather just be taken out than maimed in traumatic ways.
Massive thank you to Sabrina from Seven Kingdoms for taking the time to answer my questions!I appreciate you doing so.As for the rest of you, please click on the link so generously provided below and check out the video for their single The Square!~El Pedo Caliente (aka Uncle Jameson from the Fistful of DOOM show)