Happy Halloween!
This year’s costume was not really planned very far in advance. I figured that like last year, I would just pull together something from my closet and be good, but then I found this dress. And even after I found the dress, I didn’t immediately think “Ooh, Cinderella!” because originally it had a high lace collar that made it look more Sister Wife than Disney Princess (I posted a shot of the before on Facebook here). But then after deciding that I loved the color and flow of the dress too much to repair and sell it (the sleeve seams underneath were split) and knowing that I would wear it more if the lace collar was gone, I realized that without the collar, it would be a perfect Cinderella dress.
The fabric of this dress is a very light silky fabric, which makes it flow and twirl so, so well. And, unfortunately, it also wrinkles badly — as you can see — and I don’t own an iron yet. I know, I know, I’m 27 years old, married, with two kids, and I have no iron? I am definitely not as proficient in housekeeping as the person I am portraying. Then again, did she really keep up cleaning after she became a princess?
Probably not.
Like last year, we plan to take Asa trick-or-treating, and this year he’s actually old enough to hold his own bucket. We’ll be a very mismatched group — I’m going as Cinderella, my husband is going to be one of the Doctor Who’s (likely the 4th one), Asa will be Batman, and Evie is going to be a pink bear — the only costume-like thing we have for her. With the exception of my dress, everything in our costumes is from what we have around the house. And even this dress was technically not in my closet to be a costume.
So, technically I could say this is a costume pulled entirely from my wardrobe. The shoes are my wedding shoes, the scarf and earrings are from my collection of vintage scarves and earrings, and the black choker is a piece of elastic from my craft box. Oh, and the gloves are from the stash of vintage given to me by a friend’s grandma — same person who gave me yesterday’s velvet and fox fur jacket. I love being able to pull costumes directly from what I already have!
I had hoped to do a full week of costumes this year, like I did last year (see them all: one, two, three, four, five), but it turns out having two kids makes it a little harder to do a costume every day. Who knew? Ha!
So, I may end up doing some belated costume posts just for the fun of it, because I had some ideas that I still want to see through. We’ll just pretend they’re very, very early costume ideas for next year. And that I’m a really good planner.
Now that I’ve been Ariel and Cinderella, I think I need to be a Princess every year; next year I am determined to be Belle! She is my favorite Princess and I have always, always wanted to dress in the yellow ball gown, but I really hate all of the pre-made costumes I’ve seen. Too shiny and cheap looking! Somehow, I will find a good base dress (something like this or this!) or I will buckle down and actually make something because… I need to be Belle!
Dress, vintage/thrifted | headscarf, thrifted | gloves and earrings, vintage/gift | shoes, Macy’s | choker, craft elastic from Joann’s
Who will you be today? Do you prefer to be a lighter incarnation, or a dark one? Creepy, or cute? Fantastical, or realistic? I can’t wait to see everyone else’s costumes in the blogosphere! My fellow bloggers always turn out really amazing things!
Happy Saturday!
(P.S. If you are so inclined, like my local Goodwill page and then vote for me in the costume contest here!)
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