Destinations Magazine

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

By Aswesawit @aswesawit

Spoiled for choice. If there is one thing we learned when driving in the Czech Republic, it’s that the country is so full of pretty towns it’s hard to decide what to see in a limited time. Ultimately, we decided to base our 3-week itinerary around the country’s UNESCO sites, which is how Kromeriz became a destination.

Not to mention, it lies midway between Olomouc and Brno. That made it even more attractive….

Getting a private tour

Czech Tourism arranged for us to meet up with Mr. Zdeněk Urbanovský, who worked with Eastern Moravia Tourism and knows the area intimately. He smiled in sympathy when I tried to pronounce Kroměříž correctly. You see, it’s not Krom-a-ritz, it’s actually Krom-yehr-zheesh. What a tongue-twister, especially since the Czechs roll their r’s!

Zdenek surprised us by telling us that Kromeriz (er, Kroměříž, to be precise) is one of the most visited cities in the Czech Republic. Though it was hard to tell on this dreary autumn day, Kromeriz earned its “the Athens of Haná” moniker thanks to its remarkable architecture, culture, and flower-filled setting. Czechs, it seems, associate Kroměříž with riots of flowers, elegant fountains, a majestic chateau, and a world-class botanical garden.

We would soon find out why.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

History of Kromeriz

Standing at the crossroads of important trading routes, the now-popular Kroměříž began its existence as a humble market town about 1000 years ago. In the late 13th century the Bishop of Olomouc built his summer residence here, and he made sure it was regal enough to reflect his church’s power and wealth. This worked out well for Kromeriz, because the resulting increase in population helped it grow into a wealthy and influential town.

The archbishop’s residence made Kromeriz a target for religious wars over the centuries. Its devastation in the 14th and 17th centuries prompted extensive rebuilding, most notably the picturesque Renaissance-era arcades that surround the city’s central town square. Sure, it’s pretty, but that was not what makes Kromeriz so attractive to visitors.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

The Archbishop’s Chateau

We began our day with a tour of the most impressive building in Kromeriz: the magnificent Archbishop´s Chateau. Unfortunately, the powers that be won’t let peons like us take photos inside the building so if you go, you’ll have to put your camera away.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

Visitors in the entryway to Archbishop's Chateau in Kromeriz

I have no idea how Zdenek managed to become one of The Chosen, but our kind guide had photos he was willing to let us use in this article. And I’m using them liberally! This section would have been a tedious read otherwise. God bless the man.

The Archbishop spared no expense in decorating the chateau’s almost 40 rooms and halls. I would assume he intended to demonstrate that God was blessing the Catholic Church for its work.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

One thing was obvious on our tour: Money buys influence, and Catholic bishoprics are no exception. Charles II of Lichtenstein was one of those who bought the title of Bishop of Olomouc.

The Assembly Hall played a role in history as well. The meetings of the Imperial Council of the Habsburg monarchy were held there instead of Vienna.

Kromeriz Archbishop's Assembly Hall

The ornately-painted ceiling of the Assembly Hall boasts 22 crystal chandeliers. (You can see this room in many movies, including Amadeus.)

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

Charles II of Lichtenstein amassed a phenomenal collection of Central European paintings of the 15th-18th centuries, including van Dyck and Titian.

Kromeriz Archbishop's Assembly Hall

The ornately-painted ceiling of the Assembly Hall boasts 22 crystal chandeliers. The room has been used as a setting in many movies, including Amadeus.

As remarkable as his collection is, other rooms are just as extraordinary. There’s the music archive with works by Beethoven; the Throne Room, where the chateau’s owners received church officials; and the famous Chateau library with about 40,000 volumes of books and world globes that are almost as big as I am.

But it wasn’t all work and no play for the archbishops. They had plenty of entertainment, including a pool room and hunting room. Did I mention the wine cellar? What kind of Catholic Archbishhop would he be without good wine?

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

Tip: Beneath the castle is an extensive wine cellar where you can take a guided tour, year-round. The wine shops in the cellars and castle offer an opportunity to sample the high-quality sacramental wines. You can also buy some of the local wines.

After our tour, we detoured to the castle’s 34-meter-high tower. It was built on the foundations of the old castle. With no one to police our photography, we braved the rainy weather and climbed its 206 steps to the open balcony. It rewarded us with an unforgettable 360° view of the town and surrounding countryside.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

View from the Archbishop’s Chateau tower

Church of St. Moritz

Nearby is the Church of St. Moritz, one of the largest Gothic structures in the Czech Republic. It was built for Bruno von Schauenburg, the Bishop of Olomouc and founder of the town. He had an ulterior motive.

This church and the nearby Church of St. John the Baptist share a secret: Hidden within their walls is a passageway which leads all the way to the chateau. The bishop had it built so he could celebrate mass without having to go outside. But whether his goal was to avoid the parishioners or just keep his feet dry, I can’t say.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

Bruno’s tomb is at the altar.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

Černý Orel Brewery

Before driving to the nearby gardens, we stopped in Černý Orel (The Black Eagle) for lunch. It is well known for its tasty microbrews and excellent cuisine.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

The 300-year-old historic building was once a pharmacy. You can stay in their guesthouse or hotel, arrange a visit to their brewery or try the handmade chocolates they produce. We bought a small assortment of chocolates and shared them later that night. We should have bought more; they were excellent!

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

Kroměříž Archbishop’s Gardens

Our afternoon in Kromeriz began at the Archbishop’s Gardens. In the 17th century the Archbishop established an ornamental garden. It features fountains and statues, a collection of unusual trees and plants, meandering paths, and ornamental flower gardens with symmetrical designs. Apparently, the designs change every year, but I wonder how much people notice, considering the impressive centerpiece.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

It would be impossible to miss the snow-white pavilion standing in the center of the garden. Inside, a Foucault’s Pendulum swings in its center. I must have been one of the few who enjoyed watching it; the other visitors seemed more interested in the ornately tiled rooms around the perimeter.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

A 244-meter colonnade runs along one side of the garden. Call me old-fashioned, but I found it just a little disconcerting that a Catholic bishop actually wanted statues of ancient gods in his garden. Whatever. We climbed the stairs and Zdenek caught Dan in the act of capturing the panoramic view from its rooftop.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

As nice as the gardens were, this plant lover preferred the historical greenhouses, partly because of the lush greenery and partly because there was a wedding photo shoot going on in one of them. Hungary, Taiwan, Cambodia … it seems we encounter weddings wherever we go.

Bride poses for photographers at Archbishop's Garden, Kromeriz


Unless you enjoy gardens, Kromeriz really doesn’t need a full day, especially when it’s rainy. We left it behind and drove to the town of Modra for a unique view into the area’s history. ArcheoSkanzen is an open-air archeological site that includes a full-scale replica of a 9th-century Slavic fortified settlement of Great Moravia.

Under other circumstances, it would have been fun to explore the complex because it was based on actual objects found during archaeological excavations. Visitors can also see demonstrations of folk crafts and cultural events inspired by the ancient Slavs. There is even a museum with finds and the remains of an early medieval church.

But no, not today. Zdenek still had another place to show us after this. We turned our backs and entered the newly-opened (September 2016) Center for Slovakian Traditions. Zdenek approached the desk to ask for a tour.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

The center was still in its infancy and not fully staffed or equipped, but what we saw looked promising:

  • An interesting display of traditional costumes and crafts from various Slovakian regions.
A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic
A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic
  • A Moravian wine museum, on the local wine trail’s wineries and distilleries. Here, visitors can not only get acquainted with the process of burning fruit and viticulture history, but they can also taste the products typical of the local region – fruit spirits and wine.
  • A regional produce shop (local crafts, dried fruits, ciders, wine bar and café)

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

Although the Czech Republic is well-known for its beer, the country produces excellent reds and whites as well. High-end dispensers hold 104 varieties of regional wines. You use a keycard and pay by the how much you put in the glass.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

Curious to taste some new-to-me regional grape varieties, I happily volunteered to sample a few of the vintages. Unfortunately, there is a zero-tolerance policy on drinking and driving in the Czech Republic, so my travel companions were not permitted to participate. I guess they could have if we had intended to stay at the adjacent Skanzen Hotel.

Sniffing the wine sample before tasting a white Moravian wine

Here’s what I liked best: There’s a public distillery. What a brilliant idea! Locals have been making their own hooch for years and not paying the required duty to the authorities. I guess it’s worth the extra money to save effort. Just bring in your fruit, pay the fees and taxes, and let them do the work!

I guess their philosophy is, if you can’t beat them, change the rules and help them play the game.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

Velehrad Monastery

Finally, Zdenek brought us to the town of Velehrad, which was the first place Pope John Paul II visited after the fall of Communism. Christianity came to this part of Europe over 1150 years ago, when two Greeks arrived in this village to preach the faith in the local Slavic language.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

I imagine the land hasn’t changed much in the last 1150 years, though the buildings certainly have.

Cyril and Methodius had a massive effect on both faith and learning in this part of Europe. Methodius translated almost all of the Holy Bible into Slavonic and Cyril created a new alphabet (Cyrillic) to help him do that. The Russians still use it. If you take a close look at Cyrillic letters, you will see their resemblance to the Greek Cyril grew up with.

By the way, Czechs don’t use Cyrillic, so you can read road signs without any problem. Sorry, Cyril.

The upshot of all of this history is that Velehrad Monastery and its basilica are a pilgrimage site and the spiritual heart of the Czech Republic. No wonder there’s a monastery here. There is even a national Czech holiday commemorating Saints Cyril and Methodius.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

The basilica has been standing on this site since the 13th century. When it was rebuilt in early Baroque style, the outline of the original, larger foundation was left in the pavement in front of the entrance. It’s nice how they paid homage to the first church.

Interior of Velehrad basilica has ornately painted ceilings and a checkerboard floor

We escaped the drizzle to appreciate all the effort and planning. It must have been a labor of love. A lot of hard work went into the ornate interior.

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

Off to Brno

Soon it was time to head down the highway to our hotel. Just as we were about to bid goodbye to our new friend, the sun broke through the clouds, leaving us with this parting shot:

A Day in Kromeriz, Czech Republic

Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and Saints Cyril and Methodius. The cross was erected to commemorate John Paul II’s pilgrimage.


For more about Kromeriz:

Read more about Moravia’s religious history on Amazon:

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