With over 3 million bricks under one roof, this destination is an absolute must for LEGO fans...and school field trips and birthday parties are also available!

A map of the LEGOLAND Discovery Centre:

Some of our family's highlights included finding out our weight in LEGO bricks on our way in:

One of the first things the girls did when they got inside was the LEGO Fire Academy (a fantastic enclosed jungle gym) and they absolutely loved it (unfortunately I didn't get a picture). Bring socks for that one.
We also got a kick out of MINILAND, where Toronto's landmarks are transformed into miniature replicas (do you recognize this?):

The LEGO Friends area (with more feminine touches, in contents and colours); this was seven year old Frannie's favourite part:

Trying out the LEGO Friends Karaoke stage:

Posing with favourite LEGO Friends:

The Merlin's Apprentice ride (five year old Maggie's favourite part of the day):

There's also a cinema showing short 4D films with lots of surprises...I think this was one of my favourite parts of the visit. (Yes, I go somewhere superfun like LEGOLAND and I still want to watch a movie!)
The recommended visit length is 2-3 hours (though you're welcome to stay all day if you want). We lasted just over two hours, but kids with the building bug will want to play much longer. As casual Lego users, our girls thoroughly enjoyed their time spent there, but ardent fans of the bricks would be even more enthused.
Okay, now I'm just going to go there and make a sexist generalization (oh, yes I am): the boys I know would get even more out of it than the girls. And this isn't just coming from a mom of two girls who knows nothing about the opposite gender: I have seven nephews and have taught over 200 boys at this point so I'm pretty confident with this assertion. (By which I mean, I know exactly who goes for the Lego in my classroom when there's free time and I know who doesn't.) But that said, there's a ton of fun and learning to be enjoyed by both genders.
While we didn't eat at LEGOLAND, I took a stroll through the café and was very impressed by the fresh and healthy options for parents and kids: sandwiches, yogurt tubes, juice boxes, apple slices, etc. (Which is why I wanted to eat in the mall later where I could get a greasy slice of pizza. Wait, did I just write that?)
If you're considering a visit, the LEGOLAND Toronto website is extremely thorough with lots of information and tips. This place is a must-see for any little LEGO lover in your life!
Disclosure: We were provided with admission to Legoland for review purposes. Opinions are, as always, my own.