Food & Drink Magazine

A Cool Cafe Granita Recipe…

By Marialiberati

copyroght 2016 Art of Living, PrimaMedia,Inc/Maria Liberati

A hot summer day strolling through Rome and nothing is more refreshing than a caffe granita or iced coffee..and when I am not in Rome…I make my own caffe granita wherever I call’s my favorite recipe from

The Basic Art of…. Coffee

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Caffe Granita

1 cup spring water

3 tblsps sugar

1 vanilla bean

1 1/2 cups of espresso coffee

Place water, sugar and vanilla bean in pan and bring to a boil. remove from heat and remove vanilla bean. Pour liquid  in ice cube tray and let freeze. When frozen place in ice crusher to make crushed ice. Place crushed ice in small glasses and pour hot espresso over this. Serve topped with whipped cream.

For more recipes get your copy of the Gourmand World Award Winning book…The Basic Art of Italian Cooking: Holidays and Special Occasions-2nd edition


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