This is a repost of reposts—how’s that for loser blogging!? Over the past few years, I’ve written a number of articles about creating an annual planner for life and ministry and about personal productivity. I thought it might be helpful to re-post these (AGAIN!) with titles, summaries, and links to the original articles. The planner articles also offer a sample planner, which I will be happy to email you. Just shoot me an email and let me know you would like to have a copy. So, read on if you are looking for ideas about planning your new year!
This is a great time of year to look ahead at the next 12 months and truly seek the Lord and His guidance for what He would accomplish through you. Here are the articles that may help equip you and prepare your for God’s best in the new year:
Thoughts on Planning a New Year—This post was actually written in 2008 and shares 6 compelling reasons to plan ahead.
Contents of a New Year Planner—This post breaks down 9 things you might consider placing into a new year planner.
More on Developing a New Year Planner—This post delves a bit deeper into the thinking behind a planner and how to approach it.
Implementing Your New Year Plan—This post gives some practical thoughts on how to put your plan into practice on a daily basis once it’s created.
7 Ideas for Your Personal Planner System—This post shares some tools that you may find helpful in using your planner system. Since writing it I’ve moved from a leather binder to an iPad, which I wrote about in the post listed below.
iPad, iPhone, Apps and Ideas—This post highlights apps and ideas I’ve found helpful in implementing technology into the flow of daily life.
Three Huge Principles for Personal Productivity—This post shares three big values that I wish I had known much earlier in my ministry life.
Three More Principles for Personal Productivity—More of the same… three more big things of which I constantly need to be reminded.
Making Good Intentions Happen—This post covers the 4 biggest reasons we fail to accomplish our goals.
Making the Busiest Time of Year the Best Time of Year—if December is already getting the best of you, take a look at a few thoughts that help me and Dana keep our sanity during December.
We have just a few weeks before 2012! Hard to believe! Sometimes God radically changes our plans—but that’s an even better reason to look ahead and make sure your direction and desires are set according to God’s will! God bless your new year!