Things are now starting to come together as I work out what I am doing with the post-shed space. At some point it will have a fancy name obvs, but at the moment the concrete base and disrupted paving slabs are just 'post-shed'.

The pavings slabs need sorting. This might actually mean I remove them, not sure yet, still more thought to happen with this. I made a 'Black Friday' list: only things I actually wanted could be bought from Black Friday sales. Stuff was ordered, more of what when they arrive.
The actual progress in this area so far, other than the sycamore tree removal, has been to buy a couple of bird boxes. I am spending a lot of time looking at this space from my kitchen window and I kept thinking it needs life bringing into this concrete desert, it needs a bird box and this will be step one.

It was a two pack offer, I bought two, it was rude not to. This one I can see from the kitchen window. I already have a bird box on the Bramley Tree and this is well-used in nesting time by Great Tits. I cleaned it out the other day ready for them in the new year. I love it when I see them darting in and out of the nesting box and when I can hear the cheeping of the birdlets.

This one is by the front of the greenhouse. I cannot see it from the kitchen window directly but I am hoping it will be something I will keep an eye on when in the Smell Me and Dye Garden which is adjacent. I am sure some of you are wondering how the bird boxes will live alongside the cats. I read up on this some time ago as it is of course a concern. I also have bird feeders and the last thing I want to do is set up a trap for birds. I read that if there is good clear view around what you install then the birds are generally as safe as they can be. There are not good places for the cats to lurk and wait near them and so I am hopeful that my cats generally very low bird count (they prefer mice), will continue.
I will of course keep you updated as to progress (for updated read: bang on relentlessly).
Oh and there's an earworm that goes with the birdboxes: 'Birdhouse in your soul' by Let there be giants. If you're not singing it already google it.