I can be moody once in a while but for the most part I am kind and soft-spoken with a very pleasant attitude yet I am nowhere near soft within personality or character.
As one born under the zodiac sign Taurus I am the true definition of stubbornness, strength, and a vile temper when provoked.
I am also one who believes in revenge without apology it is within my instinctive nature. No one unjustifiably messes around with me and gets away with it. I’ll do my shit out in the open or on the sneak tip as I have the advantage and none who are without the consciousness of paranormal recognition would be the wiser.
Years ago I had a genuine Babalawo (Yoruba) who gave me an extremely accurate reading and who desired to fiercely undertake retribution against all of the people who conspired to indulge within Brujeria against me and payback was exactly what I had wanted.
The spiritual work also included removing all blockages, allowing my destiny of money and preordained success to fully unleash, a special protection shield, and the ultimate channeling of my innate divination skills.
“You need to retaliate”, the Babalawo had urged.
His words were like sweet music harmonizing through out my ears. “That’s what I want to do”, I had told him in return.
This man was the real deal, however, I wasn’t so quick to jump up and receive his services even though he offered them to me at a very reasonable price. I am a person who gazes deeper into what selectively appears upon the surface.
I’ve had many offers of help from other spiritually inclined individuals but I don’t trust so easily I was never one to act before the proper time and everyone is not legitimate. Yes, I could have gotten what I wanted a long time ago and at the rate of time wherein I preferred but at what life altering cost?
I take into consideration all aspects in which surround me and the possible effects or consequences when collaborating with sources of force which may not be in correspondence to my own alignment. I am proud of personal spiritual bestowal and respect my balance within the universe and the inheritance within dimension.
I have protections, my extra sensory gifts are intact, I’m doing well making a decent living, I am granted the necessary things I require and desire, and I proceed to fight back viciously although I am very thorough and logical and use my faculties wisely.
I decided it was best for me to completely use and generate my own magnetic energy and stay robust incorporating my own celestial aptitude within my own endowment of distinguished spiritual arrangement.
My choice was within accordance to balance as all elemental instance fell into their exact position within the range of location to circumstance and eventhough time may now and then play a factor in the gain of specific conditions there is a measure of intangible attentiveness performing within operation to assemble the most convenient and appropriate span for restore and delivery.
I learned I was more powerful within ability than those who claimed or believed they could actually help me and I reaped more benefits from the original work done on my own and with the natural spirituality of my own beloved ancestors and orishas than I would’ve ever imagined to be possible.
I don’t do animal sacrifice as the Babalawo did and as certain others often do, I never have, I don’t need to do things of that nature it is too sick and unclean to me. And I don’t work with just any and every orisha, I have my own personal ones assigned through lineage by attribution and compatibility.
I work purely of spirit, energy, and other distinct vibration of force in revelation to the essence of my own true and unique state of being.