GR: Trump is the mouth of the oligarchy. Corrupted by corporate money, Congress has turned against us and now they’ve found someone to tell them it’s okay. We must stop Trump’s attempts, but more than just Trump, we must act to stop wildlife extinctions and global warming. Michael Moore says that we need to form small action groups composed of family, friends, or neighbors that share news and action ideas, and he says he believes things will be worse than we expect. Figures. In the list below, number one definitely belongs at the top of the list. Here’s a taste of the list:

- Don’t just complain to your friends, let Congress know how you feel. Often. When you disagree with them AND when you agree. Write Reps here & Senators here.
- Tell state legislatures it’s time to get rid of the Electoral College. We can make it happen, and we can do it without a Constitutional amendment, through an innovative approach known as the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
- Better yet, call Congress: (202)225-3121 will connect you to any member
- Donate to the ACLU, and help them fight back to defend our freedom.
- Share this post. Tons of people are looking for a way to fight back, and need specific guidance.
- Run for office. School board, local council, dog catcher, etc. Perilously few good people are doing this, and some frighteningly stupid people are winning as a result. (If you’re a young woman interested in running, check out Running Start)
- Take action online. Repeatedly, and on multiple issues. Don’t let decision-makers just hear from one side.
- Keep a sense of humor. It will keep you sane. And it can be a very powerful way to communicate a message.
- Create your own fake Trump tweets. Use his favorite medium to mock him.
- Register to vote. And then VOTE.
- Set a recurring weekly appointment in your calendar to contact Congress.
Source: 99 Ways to Fight Trump