Director: Martin Guigui
Writer: Steven James Golebiowski, Martin Guigui (Screenplay) Patrick James Carson (Play)
Starring: Charlie Sheen, Whoopi Goldberg, Gina Gershon, Luis Guzman, Wood Harris, Olga Fonda, Bruce Davison
Plot: A group of five people find themselves trapped in an elevator in the World Trade Center’s North Tower on 9/11. They work together, never giving up hope, to try to escape before the unthinkable happens.
Tagline – The world watched it, they lived it.
Runtime: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
There may be spoilers the rest of the review
Verdict: Tasteless Thriller
Story: 9/11 starts as we meet our characters who work in the World Trade Centre, impending divorcing couple Jeffrey (Sheen), Eve (Gershon), janitor Eddie (Guzman), deliveryman Michael (Harris) and Tina (Fonda) who are in an elevator when the 9/11 attacks happen. Metzie (Goldberg) keeps an eye on the elevators and must use her skills to keep the people calm during the panic, leaving us to wonder if they will survive.
Thoughts on 9/11
Characters – Jeffrey was once a wall street wizard, now he faces divorce and weekends with his kid. He is one of the people trapped in the elevator, he becomes the voice of reason and calmness between the five. Eve is the wife soon to be ex-wife of Jeffrey, his work built their strain and she needs out of it now. Eddie is the janitor that knows the building but not the elevator. Metzie is trying to find a way out of the elevator for the survivors using as much knowledge as she can find.
Performances – Charlie Sheen in the leading role is very difficult to watch because we just can’t take him seriously anymore, while he does an ok job in the role we know we will never see the 80s Sheen again. The rest of the cast do seem like needed a pay day and are never believable in their roles.
Story – The story is fictional and focuses on one of the darkest days in modern history, this makes the film difficult to watch because we do know thousands died in the event, watching a group try to figure out how to escape is a problem because it has been done before in horror, on a better level which makes this feel like it doesn’t need to be told in such a basic and poor manor.
Action – The action mixed with drama doesn’t work on any level for the film.
Settings – The film takes place for the most part in the elevator which should work, but every time we jump out we lose the sense we should have.
Scene of the Movie – There isn’t one.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Charlie Sheen in the leading role.
Final Thoughts – This is a tasteless movie that only seems to cause offense to the people who did die in the tragedy.
Overall: Poor unwatchable