Rick and Morty is an American sitcom show created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland. The show’s name clearly depicts that the story revolves around Rick and Morty. However, there are other members of the family as well. Morty’s family is famous as Smith’s family consisting of his parents Jerry Smith and Beth Smith, sister Summer Smith and his maternal grandfather Rick Sanchez. Rick is an aberrant mad scientist who loves to do adventures and in these adventures, he often takes his grandson Morty Smith. Many of their adventures take place on various planets. They use a portal gun to travel between universes. These are some basic information about the show and its characters. The details can be understood through these 90+ Rick and Morty trivia questions and answers.
Rick and Morty Trivia
1. Who created the animated sitcom show ‘Rick and Monty’?
Show AnswerDan Harmon and Justin Roiland2. What was the job of Beth Smith?
Show AnswerHorse Surgeon3. What is the number of Rick’s universe?
Show AnswerC-1374. Why were every scientist assigned with numbers?
Show AnswerTo help quickly identify who they are and from which universe they hail.5. Rick and Morty were influenced by which movie?
Show AnswerBack to the Future6. How Rick traveled between universes?
Show AnswerUsing a portal gun.7. Who were the members in the Smith’s family?
Show AnswerJerry, Beth, Summer, Morty and Rick as guest.8. Who was Rick Ssanchez?
Show AnswerBeth’s father (and a mad scientist)9. Where the family was residing in the story?
Show AnswerOutside the Seatle, Washington.10. What is the main focus of the creator in the story?
Show AnswerOn the adventures of Rick and Morty11. What is the relationship between Rick and Morty?
Show AnswerMorty is the grandson of Rick.12. With whom Rick frequently goes for adventures?
Show AnswerWith his 14 years old grandson Morty.13. What is the name of Morty’s 17 years old sister?
Show AnswerSummer14. With which Disney channel show Rick and Morty shared some easter eggs?
Show AnswerGravity Fall15. Who portrayed the role of Summer?
Show AnswerSpencer GrammerRick and Morty Trivia Quizlet
16. What are Mr. Meeseeks introduced in the first season of show?
Show AnswerBlue aliens17. How many seasons of the show was released?
Show AnswerFour18. When was the premier of the first season of Rick and Morty?
Show AnswerDecember 2, 201319. What was the name of the first episode?
Show Answer ‘Pilot’20. How many episodes were in the first season?
Show AnswerEleven21. In which episode Morty leads Rick on an adventure to the Giants dimension?
Show AnswerEpisode five: Meeseeks and Destroy (Season 1)22. What was the worth of Schmeckle?
Show AnswerAround $148 USD23. Which was the first movie premiered on a social media platform instagram?
Show AnswerRick and Morty24. In which episode Mr. Poopybutthole appeared?
Show AnswerSeason one: Episode ‘Total Rickall’25. Who voiced the character Mr. Poopybutthole?
Show AnswerJustin Roiland26. Roiland voiced which other characters?
Show AnswerRick Sanchez and Morty Smith27. Who drag Morty to the fictional arcade ‘Blips and Chitz’?
Show AnswerRicky Sanchez28. What was the nature of Morty?
Show AnswerHe was very introverted, full of attitude, blunt rhetoric and disenchanted.29. What was the name of his avian-human hybrid best friend?
Show AnswerBird Person30. In which episode Bird person was introduced?
Show AnswerIn the final episode of season 1.There are four seasons of the show released. The first season had eleven episodes started in December 2013 and ended in April 2014. Second season started in the very next year with ten episodes and lasts till the end of the same year. Third season’s first episode aired on television on April 1, 2017 while the last episode released on October 1, 2017. The fourth season released on November 10, 2019. You can gather information on all of these series on these Rick and Morty Trivial Pursuit Questions and Rick and Morty Questions and Answers.
Rick and Morty Trivial Pursuit Questions
31. Which company published the Rick and Morty comic book?
Show AnswerOni Press32. Beth Smith belongs to which town?
Show AnswerMuskegon, Michigan33. Which character was voiced by Sarah Chalke?
Show AnswerBeth Smith34. Which subject Jerry Smith studied in college as a major?
Show AnswerCivis35. What was the name of the Smith family’s pet dog?
Show AnswerSnuffles36. Which episode was mostly about the Snuffles?
Show AnswerEpisode two of season one: Lawnmower Dog37. What was the name the dod selected for himself?
Show AnswerSnowball38. Why was the name Snowball suggested?
Show AnswerBecause of his pretty and white fur.39. What was the inspiration behind the appearance of Snowball?
Show AnswerJustin Roiland’s dog Jerry40. Who voiced the character King Jellybean?
Show AnswerTom kenny41. Who saved Morty and Annie in the episode ‘Anatomy Park’?
Show AnswerA giant monster42. Who was Rick’s ex-lover in the third episode of the second season?
Show AnswerUnity43. Which super leader was created by Rick by splicing DNA of two historical individuals?
Show AnswerAbradolf Lincler44. What was the name of the last episode of season 2?
Show Answer “The Wedding Squanchers”45. How much time is taken for the repairing of the house by Rick, Morty and Summer in freezing time?
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Rick and Morty Questions and Answers
46. Who stole the time-freezing crystal?
Show AnswerRick47. Which animal was saved by Beth in the first episode of season 2?
Show AnswerDeer48. Why did Rick take Morty on a trip in ‘Mortynight Run’?
Show AnswerTo teach him how to pilot the flying car.49. To whom Rick sold an antimatter gun?
Show AnswerTo Krombopolus Michael50. Why did Rick kill Fart using the antimatter gun?
Show AnswerBecause he found that Fart wants to kill all carbon-based life forms.51. In which episode Rick attempted to suicide?
Show Answer “Auto Eratic Assimilation”52. What was the name of the family therapist appeared in season 3?
Show AnswerDr. Wong53. What was the first name of Principal Vagina?
Show AnswerGene54. What Rick was doing when he realized that he is in simulation?
Show AnswerHe was dissecting a Possum55. Which federation declared Rick as wanted?
Show AnswerIntergalactic Space Federation56. Which animal was used by Rick to produce the first ‘love portion’ for Monty?
Show AnswerA Vole57. Which song was sung by Fart for Monty?
Show AnswerGoodbye Moonmen58. How Morty became super intelligent and loses his motor skills and most of his brain function for 72 hours?
Show AnswerWhen the mega-seeds dissolve in his butt.59. Who was Scary Terry?
Show AnswerThe monster which helped Rick and Monty to change Mr. Goldenfold’s dream.60. Who were the two best friends of Rick?
Show AnswerBirdperson and SquanchyMany phrases of this show gain much fame. The main Rick’s catchphrase in the series was “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub” which means “I am in great pain, please help me”. This phrase originated in the fifth episode of season 1. Moreover, various new characters are also added in every season such as Birdperson and Squanchy who were the only best friends of Rick. Other interesting facts about the show can be get from these Ultimate ick and Morty Quiz Answers.
Ultimate Rick and Morty Quiz Answers
61. What does “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub” mean?
Show AnswerI am in great pain, please help me62. Which park was built by Rick inside an Australian homeless man?
Show AnswerAnatomy Park63. What was the name of Rick’s rock band?
Show AnswerThe Flesh Curtains64. Which alcoholic beverage Beth likes the most?
Show AnswerRed Vine65. What was Rick’s favorite sauce?
Show AnswerSzechuan Sauce66. In which episode Mr. Poopybutthole was shot?
Show AnswerIn the episode “Total Rickall”.67. Who shot Mr. Poopybutthole?
Show AnswerBeth Smith68. Who was Bird Person married to in the episode 10 of season 2?
Show AnswerTammy69. Who runs the Anatomy Park?
Show AnswerDr. Xenon Bloom70. In the episode “Something Ricked This Way Comes”, Rick designed a gadget. What was the only purpose of that gadget?
Show AnswerTo Pass the Butter71. What was Roy: A Life Well Lived?
Show AnswerA VR game which Morty plays.72. What was the name of Morty’s school?
Show AnswerHarry Herpson High School73. What was the name of Jerry’s love?
Show AnswerSleepy Gary74. For how many years Rick was missing?
Show Answer20 Years75. Which character in the show never wears a seatbelt?
Show AnswerRickRick and Morty Trivia HQ
76. How much time was taken to write the pilot of the show?
Show AnswerSix hours77. What was the favorite T.V show of Rick and Morty?
Show AnswerBall Fondlersz78. What was Rick’s favorite exhibit in Anatomy Park?
Show AnswerPirates of the Pancreas79. Which game was played by Rick at Blip and Chitz?
Show AnswerRoy80. What was the game Rick and Morty was playing in the final episode of season 3?
Show AnswerMicecraft81. What did Rick buy from the pawn shop?
Show AnswerA Resonator and Robot82. How much did he pay for these two things?
Show Answer60 Smidgens83. Rick belongs to which dmension?
Show AnswerC-13784. What was the job Jerry did?
Show AnswerHe was an advertising agent.85. Who was Coach Feratu?
Show AnswerVampire Gym Teacher86. Which book was written by Morty Jr.?
Show AnswerMy Horrible Father87. Titanic was the favorite film of which Rick and Morty’s character?
Show AnswerJerry88. According to season 3 how old was Rick?
Show Answer70 Years89. Which breakfast cereal is mostly showed in Rick and Morty?
Show AnswerStrawberry Smiggles90. Which word can’t ever be said infront of a Traflorkian?
Show AnswerGlip-Glop91. Who was Jessica’s ex-boyfriend?
Show AnswerBrad92. Which television series was watched by Rick and Morty in episode ‘Rixty Minutes’?
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