Watching the culture of today unravel, we can take notice that the human body is at it’s center and that many things are strongly correlated and in connection to the way others look, the way we look and the way we feel about the way we look. There are a lot of factors, that’s a sure thing!

A young Justin
Some people try to work with their ‘canvas’, while others go under the knife to achieve features we do not posses naturally. We’ve discussed a lot of times on Attire Club about plastic surgery and what it means for our culture, for men, for children and more.
In a way, we all have our ceiling of how much plastic surgery we would actually get done. This is what makes some celebs interesting, the fact that they have changed their appearance (at times not to their advantage) by going several times under the knife. It makes you wonder if you really wish to get plastic surgery, and if so what and how much.
There are people who have completely altered their look, while others have simply improved their appearance by becoming more harmonious, younger or softer. For example, a nose that points to the ground will make someone look older, so making it point a little higher will give that person a younger appearance. There are more ways to achieve a better look.
But what would you expect to look like if you had almost 100 surgeries?
Justin Jedlica, a man from the United States has had until this moment over 90 cosmetic interventions. The man who is in his 30s has spent over $100,000 on facial and body reconstructive surgeries across the course of many years.
Jedlica says he has had five rhinoplasties, a cranial drown bone shape and augmentations to his cheeks, lips, buttocks and chin. He is basically a living silicone sculpture. Currently, Justin claims to still be dissatisfied with his look and wishing to do more. He considers plastic surgery to be his hobby and claims that plastic surgery is something that is an extension to his being creative.Justin Jedlica is known in the media as the human Ken doll, but we’re not sure he looks so much like a Ken doll. Refusing to work out, Justin has had implants of all kinds, making him to appear muscular, but in a rather unnatural way if you will.
Justin Jedlica after almost 100 plastic surgeries
The way one looks can be confusing. On the one side you know what you wish to look like and on the other side there’s the way you look. Getting inside the head of a person who gets so many changes done is rather hard, since we can’t know if he sees himself as a beauty ideal or as a bizarre work resembling the monster of Dr. Frankenstein.
What’s interesting about this case is that one can imagine what would happen to the New Yorker’s emotional state of mind if he would not have money to change his traits anymore. Can we consider that getting 90 plastic surgeries makes you a cosmetic surgery addict? If so, how does a surgery addict react when he cannot go on with this “hobby” and what happens when age finally catches up with him?
In the end, we can only say that each to his own and that we can all draw our conclusions. In the end, you know that old (yet very true) say: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. What do you think of Justin and his passion of plastic surgery? What do you think drives him to do all these interventions? How much would be too much for you? How do you think he looks? Share your thoughts below!
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