
9-Year-Old Boy Whispered 7 Words To His Mother Who Poisoned Him By Putting Excrement In His IV Drip

Posted on the 22 March 2024 by Info4blog

The 9-year-old’s mother apparently interfered with his IV tube when he was admitted to the hospital. When the boy was receiving treatment at The Children’s Hospital, the mother is accused of f-ces poisoning his IV drip.

The youngster, whose identity was withheld, was in bad health, and his temperature sharply increased. The hospital professionals also discovered that he had delirium in addition to a high fever. One of the hospital nurses, Lindie, recalls a particular shift during which the youngster was really ill and suffering from head, stomach, and back discomfort. The youngster requested medicine to ease his agony, Lindie testified to the court.

The youngster had significant behavioral issues while a patient at the hospital, which the nurse also remembers. In addition to being extremely demanding of his mother, he also had no qualms about using profanity at the nurses. The boy asked his mother why she was torturing him as the nurse overheard their talk during one of the boy’s interactions with his mother. According to the nurse, the youngster reportedly said to his mother something like.When I was unconscious, you could have inserted something into my cannula. The nurse overheard the sick child the following day begging his mother why she was “doing this to me” and repeating similar sentiments. What did she [the mother] say? The youngster answered his mother, “Poisoning me,” the nurse reported.

When Lindie heard the chat during her shifts at the hospital, she didn’t take it lightly and sent an email about it to child protective services. The youngster was also under a great deal of stress at this time, according to the nurse. Another nurse who worked the same shift as Brown, Kristina, also supported this. She also recalls the little patient telling his mother similar things. What have you done this time to my cannula? The boy said, as quoted by Kristina. She can still hear her mother asking, “Why would you say that? I find it upsetting when you say stuff like that…….See More

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