Gardening is fun and if the things used in gardening are organic it is the double treat. Seeing the first sprout out of your lawn is an elation beyond description. But for this ecstasy you have to work as a sage gardener. And the stupor is worth celebrating when you see the veggies and the produce in your lawn basket.
But all this and more needs a hard work and resilience of the gardener. A healthy lawn leads to a happier gardening. For a happier gardening fertilization is must.
Choosing the right fertilizer
Choosing the right fertilizer for your soil is choosing a season of good or poor food. You need to work out some organic fertilizers for your lawn rather than opting for a chemical fertilizer. A recipe can take flight from your kitchen and can land into your lawn for its fertility. This post is going to highlight every single scrap of your kitchen articles that can end up in the lawn as natural fertilizers.
Going organic wherever you can does not term you as a miser but as a sage. From your vegetable and fruit peels to the egg shells can serve you as organic fertilizers. They neither contaminate your lawn soil nor the environment. They have an added plus that the food you will eat as a result from such a fertilization will also be free of any chemical or pollutant. Furthermore, you need not to stress yourself up for the cost of the fertilizers as they come right from your kitchen trash. Another benefit of natural fertilizers is that you need not to worry about the quantity of the fertilizer. It can be increased or decreased without the threat of destroying the crops or the lawn.
Natural Garden Fertilizers which you can try at home
To make your lawn or veggie garden flourish add something that contains Potassium, phosphorus and/or Nitrogen. Things enriched in these elements are a real treat to the lawn and its components.
Find out some amazing and effective natural fertilizers right here.
The left-out coffee grounds that we have every day can turn up to something very beneficial for our lawn. They are a great source of nitrogen and can add lots of nutrients to our soil. This gives great nourishment to the plants, flowers and grasses to flourish and thrive. It enhances the soil acidity.
RecipeAll you have to do is to take ground coffee. Sow them into your soil at the base of your plants like you sow the seeds. The coffee will boost the growth naturally.
Molasses means to prepare a compost syrup. The pleasant and kind bacteria, and microscopic organisms take nourishment from it. It is helpful in plants' growth and development. This fertilizer has been used since long for plants to thrive.
Make a mixture of molasses for your lawn. For this syrup you need to mix one to three tablespoons of molasses with one gallon of water.
RecipeSimply pour down the syrup into the soil. Doing this for once or twice a week will yield the required results.
ApplicationFor epochs, gardeners have been practicing this since long as fertilizer. It provides the plant with important nutrients that help them thrive. It is really easy to formulate.
Take one fourth of Epsom salt. Mix it well with two cups of urine. Further take two cups of ash. Add grass clippings as well. Fill the bucket to the top with water and put the mixture in it. Let it set for three days. Strain the mixture with a sieve. Add water to half of the syrup.
RecipeA weird but known to be effective formula has been formulated. It is ready for its application. Take it in a jar or a bottle. Pour the syrup around the plants for their better growth.
ApplicationIf you want to try something conventional and simpler than the fertilizer mentioned above, you can opt for Epsom salt and water syrup. It is a great sea of sulphur and magnesium that is too good as fertilizer.
Simply add Epsom salt with water. The concentration can be varied according to your need. Normally one tablespoon of Epsom salt is enough for a gallon of water. Here you go. Your simple but effective fertilizer is ready to be used.
Just add the fertilizer to the plant after weeding. It is equally effective for both indoor and outdoor plants.
Recipe ApplicationThe grass clipping from the mowing of the lawn can be saved up for making fertilizing syrup to help nourish the plants.
Take out the saved grass clippings from the mowing of the lawn. Take five gallons container of water and put the clippings in it. Let it get mix properly for five days. Add ten more cups of water to the syrup.
Put the tea in the targeted soil for desired result. The essential nutrients from the grass clippings are given back to the soil.
RecipeGelatin can also be transformed into effective soil enricher. It contains nitrogen which is responsible for the health of the plants.
ApplicationAdd a packet of gelatin into hot boiling cup of water. Add three more cups of water but this time the water should be cold.
Simply put this around the plants. It should be done every month.
RecipeThe potassium in banana can add graces to the health and well-being of the lawn. It is also enriched in calcium and phosphorous which makes the ideal fertilizers for the plants and grasses.
ApplicationThere is no specific formula for this. Just bury the banana peel in the soil and let it rot. The decomposed peels enrich the soil with all the necessary components.
Freeze the overripe banana. Bury the banana ice cubes in your soil next to the plants.
Soak the banana peels in water. Let them rest for three days. Pour the water into the soil.
The water the fish swim in can be used as fertilizer. Amazed? Yes. The fish's waste and the water it swims in pose a great nutrient for the soil. Recipe
ApplicationFill a 55-gallon barrel about a third of the way. It should be two ratio one of simple water and fish water respectively. Let it rest for 24 hours. After 24 hours fill the cask with water to the brim. Let it get fermented completely.
Apply this fermented solution to your plants.
Egg shells are supreme calcium reservoirs. Not only do they repel many insects they also act as natural fertilizers.
Grind or crush the egg shells and bury into the soil.
Take a gallon of water. Add 20 egg shells to it. Boil the water and leave overnight. Spray the syrup directly to the soil.
Application Recipe and application