
85+ List of Trivia Questions and Answers [Updated]

Posted on the 17 June 2022 by Smithonepa

Do you hear about HQ trivia game? or are you studying in middle school? if yes then this post is absolutely for you. because in this post you are going to find a list of trivia questions about the above-mentioned topic. Too many multiple-choice questions about movies and history. It will improve the knowledge of kids as well as youngsters. In short, this post is a complete package for all who are curiously trying to improve their general knowledge.

List of Trivia Questions

list of trivia questions

1. Which color is on the top of the rainbow?

Show AnswerRed

2. Which country is closest to Australia?

Show AnswerNew Zealand

3. Which sweet food do bees make?

Show AnswerHoney

4. Which part of the flower is used to make honey?

Show AnswerNectar

5. The green light on a standard traffic signal is at the _______.

Show AnswerBottom

6. There are total _______ states in the United States.

Show Answer50

7. In which direction does fan rotate?

Show AnswerClockwise

8. How many colors are there on the classic Cambell’s soup label?

Show AnswerSix

9. Who was the first president of the United States?

Show AnswerGeorge Washington

10. Which is the longest river in the world?

Show AnswerNile

11. Which is the biggest island in the world?

Show AnswerGreenland

12. What is the name of Barack Obama’s wife?

Show AnswerMichelle Obama

13. In which year William Wordsworth died?

Show Answer1850

14. Which is the largest continent of the world?

Show AnswerAsia

15. What is the diameter of earth in kilometers?

Show Answer12, 742 kilometers

16. Which is the largest ocean in the world?

Show AnswerPacific Ocean

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17. Which state of the U.S is known as the Empire state?

Show AnswerThe New York state

18. When did Princess Diana die?

Show Answer31st August 1997

19. Bermuda triangle is situated in the _______ part of North Atlantic Ocean.

Show AnswerWestern

20. In 2005, America was affected by _______.

Show AnswerHurricane Katarina

21. When did wheels were invented?

Show Answer3,500 B.C

22. Which the largest dam in the world?

Show AnswerThree Gorges Dam

23. If February has 29 days, the year is known as _______.

Show AnswerLeap year

24. Who is associated with the discovery of cell?

Show AnswerRobert Hooke

25. Which is the largest sea in the world?

Show AnswerPhilippine Sea

26. Who is associated with the invention of the airplane?

Show AnswerWright Brothers

27. The first dollar coin was made in _______.

Show Answer1794

list of trivia questions

28. How many degrees are there in a semi-circle?

Show Answer180

29. Which is the largest lake in the world?

Show AnswerCaspian Lake

30. Microsoft was established on _______.

Show Answer4th April 1975

List of Trivia Questions for Middle School Students

31. How many member countries are there in the United Nations?

Show Answer193

32. Human body has total _______ bones.

Show Answer206

33. What was the period of World War-I?

Show Answer1914 to 1918

34. William Hanna and Joseph Barbera developed which cartoon series?

Show AnswerTom and Jerry

35. How many years makes one century?

Show Answer100 years

36. The tallest mammal of the world is _______.

Show AnswerGiraffe

37. Which country is associated with the invention of pizza?

Show AnswerItaly

38. Which is the fastest animal in the world?

Show AnswerPeregrine

39. A hexagon has _______ sides.

Show AnswerSix

40. The word “Hello” was first used on the telephone by _______.

Show AnswerThomas Edison

disney trivia

List of Trivia Questions and Answers for Adults

41. Which invention is associated with Thomas Edison?

Show AnswerBulb

42. Which cartoon character was created by A.A. Milne and Walt Disney?

Show AnswerPooh

43. One kilometer has _______ meters.

Show Answer100

44. White House is the residency of _______.

Show AnswerAmerican President

45. A fortnight has _______ days.

Show Answer14

46. What is the national game of America?

Show AnswerBaseball

47. Who invented Microsoft?

Show AnswerBill Gates

48. On which date boxing day is celebrated?

Show Answer26th December

49. How many colors are there in the flag of U.K?

Show AnswerThree (Red, Blue, and White)

50. What is the national food of America?

Show AnswerHamburger

51. Which day is celebrated on 23rd September?

Show AnswerHarvest day

52. Which country invented the game football?

Show AnswerEngland

53. What is the date of birth of Queen Elizabeth II?

Show Answer21st April 1926

54. In which palace does the royal family live?

Show AnswerBuckingham Palace

List of Trivia Questions and Answers for Adults

List of Trivia Questions about Yourself

55. What did you do in your spare time?

56. How often do you go for outings?

57. What kind of food do you enjoy most?

58. Which place do you want to go for vacations?

59. How much time do you spend with your family?

60. What you do first when you wake up in the morning?

61. Who is your favorite author?

62. Which type of games did you play in your childhood?

63. What kind of job do you think is preferable for you?

64. What would be your ideal way to spend your weekend?

65. What is the most annoying habit of yourself?

66. What is the most impressive work you have done?

67. Which is the most adventurous place you have visited?

68. Have you ever gave anything in charity?

69. Have you ever visited any old age home?

70. What is the most criticized thing about you?

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List of Trivia Questions Multiple Choice

71. How many stripes are there in the flag of the United States?

  1. 6
  2. 0
  3. 13
Show Answer13

72. Which is the more practiced religion in India?

  1. Muslim
  2. Sikhism
  3. Hinduism
Show AnswerSikhism

73. Which country has only one-time zone?

  1. Pakistan
  2. England
  3. China
Show AnswerChina

74. What percent of the total adult population in the world had diabetes in 2014?

  1. 1
  2. 2.8
  3. 8.5
Show Answer8.5

75. Which country hosted the World Cup 2019?

  1. Australia
  2. England
  3. Pakistan
Show AnswerEngland

76. Which country hosted the Winter Olympics 2018?

  1. Brazil
  2. China
  3. South Korea
Show AnswerSouth Korea

77. Which vaccine was first developed in history?

  1. Cholera
  2. Polio
  3. Smallpox
Show AnswerSmallpox

78. What is the capital of Ireland?

  1. Canberra
  2. Dublin
  3. Ottawa
Show AnswerDublin

79. What is “woman” in French?

  1. Mujer
  2. Fille
  3. Femme
Show AnswerFemme

80. What temperature is the same in Fahrenheit and Celsius?

  1. 40
  2. 0
  3. -40
Show Answer-40


List of HQ Trivia Questions

81. When the HQ trivia app was released?

Show Answer26, August 2017

82. Who is the creator of HQ trivia game?

Show Answer Rus Yusupov and Colin Kroll

83. From where the hosts broadcast the show?

Show AnswerNew York city

Want to read more HQ trivia? 80+ hq trivia questions with answers

84. When did HQ introduce HQ sports?

Show Answer31 May 2018

85. What are the average participants of the app?

Show Answer100,000 to 300,000

86. How many are there in a rainbow?

Show AnswerSeven

87. Who is the writer of Jurassic Park?

Show AnswerMicheal Crichton

88. When the film ‘Jurassic Park’ released in the USA?

Show AnswerJune 10, 2022

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