
80+ Stranger Things Trivia Questions and Answers

Posted on the 12 March 2020 by Smithonepa

Stranger Things is an American horror show created by The Duffer Brothers. Three seasons of the series are released since 2016. All the seasons of the series are released of Netflix and attracted a record of viewers. The first season was released on July 15, 2016, second one in the year 2017 and the third season was released in 2019. The series was set in a fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana. The first season started in the year 1983 when a young boy naming Will Byers was disappeared from the Upside Down. Some more details about the story can be gathered through these 85+ Stranger Things Trivia questions and answers.

Stranger Things Trivia

Stranger Things Trivia

1. Who created the series ‘Stranger Things’?

Show AnswerThe Duffer Brothers

2. Which production company released the series?

Show AnswerNetflix

3. When the first season of the series was released?

Show AnswerOn July 15, 2016

4. What is the name of the fictional town where the movie set in?

Show AnswerHawkins, Indiana

5. What is the focus of the first season of the series?

Show AnswerThe investigation of the disappearance of a young boy (Will Byers)

6. What abilities Eleven had?

Show AnswerPsychokinesis

7. How many seasons of the series are released?

Show AnswerThree

8. Who are the writers of ‘Stranger Things’?

Show AnswerMatt and Ross Duffer (The Duffer brothers)

9. What was the age of Byers when he disappeared?

Show AnswerTwelve years

10. Which British actress played the role of Eleven?

Show AnswerMillie Bobby Brown

11. Which film was followed by the Duffer brother for making the their one?

Show Answer ‘Stand by Me’

12. Who was the executive director of the series?

Show AnswerShawn Levy

13. Who played the character of Nancy?

Show AnswerNatalia Dyer

14. What disease Dustin was facing both in the show and real life?

Show AnswerCongenital Disorder

15. What was the name of Will Byers own fort?

Show AnswerCastle Byers

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Stranger Things Trivia Printable

16. When was the finale episode of season one?

Show AnswerNear Christmas of the same year of the first episode

17. What was the Upside Down in the film?

Show AnswerIt was a reflection of the real world

18. Who was Mike’s older sister?

Show AnswerNancy

19. Who played the role of Mike Wheeler in the film?

Show AnswerFinn Wolfhard

20. Who first entered the Upside Down?

Show AnswerNancy

21. How Nancy entered in the Upside Down?

Show AnswerThrough an opening in a tree trunk

22. Who was the favorite teacher of the boys?

Show AnswerMr. Clarke

23. Why Dustic called Clarke at his home?

Show AnswerTo ask for help making a bathtub for Eleven

24. What was the name of the final chapter of season one?

Show AnswerChapter Eight: The Upside Down

25. After finding the girl in the woods where they boys took her?

Show AnswerBack to Mike’s basement

26. The first season begins in which year?

Show AnswerIn 1983

27. Which game Byers and his friends were playing when he disappeared?

Show AnswerDungeons and Dragons

28. Who was the lab’s director?

Show AnswerDr. Martin Brenner

29. How Dr. Brenner claimed that the girl can’t have gone far?

Show AnswerBy investigating an organic substance emitting from lab’s basement

30. How ‘Benny’ knew the name of the young girl Eleven?

Show AnswerFrom the tattoo on her arm

The Stranger Things are created as an investigative as well as horror story. Hence, the first season of the show was all about the investigation on the disappearance of Will Byers and also it shows the appearance of a girl (Eleven) with some superpowers. You can know from these Stranger Things trivia questions that how Will’s family and friends can find him and what would be the role of Eleven in this process of finding Will.

Stranger Things Trivia Questions and Answers

Stranger Things Trivia

31. What Eleven indicated using the Dungeons and Dragons board?

Show AnswerShe shows that Will is on the Upside Down of the board

32. Will Byers was haunted by which creature?

Show AnswerDemogorgon

33. Nancy and her friend go to a party with whom?

Show AnswerNancy’s boyfriend Steve Harrington

34. Why Jonathan secretly took photographs of the party?

Show AnswerFor searching Will near Steve’s home

35. What happened with Barb (Nancy’s friend) at the swimming pool?

Show AnswerShe was attacked by Demogorgon and vanishes

36. Who directed the third and fourth chapter of season 1?

Show AnswerShawn Levy

37. When Barb awakens where she was?

Show AnswerIn the Upside Down

38. How Will was communicating with Joyce?

Show AnswerThrough electric pulses in Christmas lights

39. Why Steve destroyed Jonathan’s camera?

Show AnswerWhen he discovers the party photographs

40. Who recovers the picture of Barb?

Show AnswerNancy

41. What Hopper found when he awakes at his house?

Show AnswerA hidden microphone

42. What was the name of the science teacher?

Show AnswerMr. Clarke

43. What Mr. Clark suggested to travel between the alternate dimensions?

Show AnswerHe proposed about the existence of a theoretical gate between the dimensions

44. Who planned to kill the Demogorgon?

Show AnswerNancy and Jonathan

45. About whom Nancy assumed that they are dating and gets into fight?

Show AnswerNancy and Jonathan


Stranger Things Trivia Season 3

46. When the third season of the Stranger Things was released?

Show AnswerOn July 4, 2019

47. Who were forced to open a new gate to the Upside Down?

Show AnswerSoviet Scientists

48. The season started in which year?

Show AnswerIn summers of 1985

49. Which Mall gets so much popularity in Hawkins?

Show AnswerStarcourt Mall

50. What was the suggestion of Joyce?

Show AnswerTo have a heart-to-heart conversation with Mike and Eleven

51. Why Dustin sets up an improvised radio tower?

Show AnswerTo contact his camp girlfriend Suzie

52. What was hit by an unseen creature?

Show AnswerBilly’s car

53. Where Nancy and Jonathan started working as an intern?

Show AnswerAt the Hawkins Posts

54. With whom Steve started working at an ice-cream parlor at Starcourt Mall?

Show AnswerWith his former classmate Robin Buckley

55. Who used her power to spy on Mike and Billy?

Show AnswerEleven

56. What Nancy and Jonathan found when they reached at Mrs. Driscoll’s home?

Show AnswerThey found her eating fertilizers herself

57. Who decodes the Russian communication?

Show AnswerRobin

58. Who attacked on Hopper while he was investigating at the lab?

Show AnswerGrigori, a Russian soldier

59. Why Nancy and Jonathan was fired?

Show AnswerFor harassing Mrs. Driscoll

60. Hopper and Joyce forced Kline to reveal what?

Show AnswerThat Grigori works for the owners of Starcourt

In 2019 the third season of Stranger Things was released. The story started with celebration on July 4, 1985. A new Mall Starcourt was built in Hawkins which became the central attraction of the citizens. Steve started working at an ice-cream parlor at the Starcourt Mall. More importantly, a secret Soviet laboratory was there under the Mall. Steve and Robin were captured, drugged and interrogated in the lab while Dustin and Erica rescued them. More information about the story can get from Stranger Things Trivia 2019.

Stranger Things Trivia 2019


61. What was the name of chapter six in season 3?

Show AnswerChapter Six: E Pluribus Unum

62. Who alerts Grigori about Hopper and Joyce searching for the properties?

Show AnswerKline

63. Where Hopper and Joyce took the Russian soldier Alexei?

Show AnswerThey took him to Murray

64. Who was Murray?

Show AnswerA Russian speaker

65. Why they took Alexie to Murray?

Show AnswerBecause Alexie could not speak English and Murray was only the known translator to them

66. Who attacked the group of Nancy, Jonathan, Will, Mike Lucas, Eleven and Max?

Show AnswerTom and Bruce

67. What happened with Steve and Robin in the Russian lab beneath Starcourt?

Show AnswerThey were captured, drugged and interrogated

68. Who rescued them from the Russian lab?

Show AnswerDustin and Erica

69. What was the Mind Flayer’s plan?

Show AnswerTo kill Eleven in revenge of her closing the gate

70. In which season the Mind Flayer was introduced?

Show AnswerIn the second season

71. Where Dustin and Erica dragged Steve and Robin when they were drunk?

Show AnswerTowards the movie theater in Starcourt

72. What happened with Alexie?

Show AnswerGrigori in front of Murray disastrously shot him

73. What happened with Eleven after three months?

Show AnswerShe became powerless

74. Who moved out from Hawkins?

Show AnswerJoyce’s family and Eleven

75. What was embedded in Eleven’s wound?

Show AnswerA piece of the Mind Flayer


Stranger Things Trivia Night

76. What was the name of game the kids play in season 2?

Show AnswerDragon’s Lair

77. What was the name of the character from the game ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ the kids called to the first monster in season 1?

Show AnswerDemogorgan

78. Where the show was originally meant to take place?

Show AnswerIn Montauk

79. When the full name of Barb known?

Show AnswerWhen news reports her death

80. Joyce works at Melvald’s General store as what in second season?

Show AnswerCashier

81. From where Max came to Hawkins?

Show AnswerCalifornia

82. Who stole Eleven from her mother?

Show AnswerDr. Martin Brenner

83. Why Dr. Brenner stole Eleven?

Show AnswerBecause he knew about her special powers

84. What was the original name of the Upside Down?

Show AnswerThe Nether

85. How Hoppers daughter died?

Show AnswerShe died from cancer

86. Why Barb’s parent hired Murray?

Show AnswerTo find out what happened to their daughter

87. Who composed the soundtrack of the show?

Show AnswerKyle Dixon and Michael Stein

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