
8 Positive Points of Trump 1st Term as President of the USA – Why He is So Much Popular?

Posted on the 19 September 2020 by Aamritri
8 Positive Points of Trump 1st Term as President of the USA – Why he is so much popular?

Trump becomes very popular every day, lets discuss some points to find out why people love him more compare to Biden? I choose only a few important Positive Points of Trump 1st Term, but there are too many more.


This article is all about positivity, there is no comparison of Biden vs Trump or whatever. The main purpose is to find all the best work done by Trump in the last 4 years. These facts are all collected from high authority sites with millions of active users based in the USA & international media. You can feel free to visit all those sites if looking for additional resources because we only connect you with standard sites. If you look at mainstream media, there is only hate everywhere on most channels and news sites, that's why I ignore them and collect information from some other popular sites on the internet.

There are only 8 points discussed below because it's not possible to write about every single topic. Trump has done great work in 4 years which was not possible for Obama to done or even Biden in the future. After reading this article, you will agree with me. But again, it's not a comparison between Trump & Biden, my new article is coming soon on the topic of " Trump vs Biden - Who Should Win & Why its important for the Whole World? ". Trust me, this time I will ignore the main media hatred for Trump & dig deep to find a better comparison between Trump & Biden. If you look at media, every single poll is about Joe Biden Victory in Election which is not possible because Trump lives in the hearts of people.

Positive Points

1- America 1st Immigration Policy

Short Introduction to types of Immigrants people

There are 2 popular types of Immigration people in different countries. First of those immigrants who visited a country legally, have some skills which can contribute to that country in any way, complete all legal process to become a permanent citizen. But 2nd type is different which no one like because its illegal immigrants, without any proper skills, set, they can do whatever to survive in a new country which can include all type of crimes, they try to avoid legal process to stay in that country forever or use some cheap methods for citizenship. Another popular type of immigrants is helping your neighbour country people in order to survive and warlike condition. For example, there are millions of Immigrants in Turkey from Syria in the last few years.

Why illegal Immigrants become problem for USA?

There are many reasons but I will talk about only 5 of them for you which are more important in the list of problems because of illegal immigrants.

A) These people are working on a very low rate which means if a work is done by American for 20 dollars, they will do it for just 10 or even less. It means people of the USA will not be able to get jobs because of standard payment, these people are hired because of cheap rates. In fact, this little money becomes too much in their country.

B) They can involve in different illegal activities when unable to find a job or earn enough. It's a big problem for the police to trace them with no proper. records. Most of the time these people are getting help from other legal people of their country. You can understand, if an American do a crime, police can catch them easily because their complete record is saved everywhere. But millions of people are there free to do whatever they want.

C) Mostly these people are there without any kind of skills which means they are no use to the country. There are already millions of workers in the USA who are doing different jobs required no skills, it's acceptable if some people who can positively contribute to the Country are acceptable. You can understand I am talking about millions of useless people who are just a burden to the country without any kind of positive contribution.

Important Points of Trump Immigration policy which benefit USA people

Trump's serious action against Immigrants becomes the best point of our list "Positive Points of Trump 1st Term'. The main cause of the Trump administration is simple to make sure only those people are allowed in the USA who can positively contribute to their system. Below are some positive actions which are taken against these people.

A) Border Wall With Mexico is a very important step to take by Trump because that's is the main place for these illegal people to enter in the USA. There is no other country that can cause any big problem for America other than Mexico because people in that country are poor with fewer facilities & the USA is heaven for them. They are the main entrance for illegal people from all of South America. If Trump is able to strictly stop the entry from Mexico, it is a great victory for them in the history of America to the vision of "America 1st".

B) No Welfare Support for Undocumented Immigrants is very important because these people are a burden to the American economy. Trump wants to make sure people of America gets all kind of benefits & millions of dollars are wasted to people with no documents or living as a risk in the country. As per America 1st, this money should be used for local people & in some cases, they may not be able to get full benefits at all because too much money goes to illegal immigrants.

C) Travel Ban for some countries on different levels was great to step by Trump because some of these countries are the biggest enemies of the USA like Iran & North Korea. Everyone knows some people from War countries like Libya & Syria are coming to the USA for just staying forever. They have no plan to go back because their country is already destroyed with no proper system there. It means if million people are allowed from these countries to travel on the base of a student visa, travel, or any other reasons, the USA may face a huge number of illegal people who have seen too much violence close to them.

D) Complete Review of the H-1B Visa Program by Trump is important to step to make sure only high skilled workers are allowed to receive Visas. As you can read above, those people with no skills are completely useless for the country and they are accepting any job for low rates.

These are just examples of good work by Trump but there is a lot more action taken by Trump which is very effective. If Trump wins, he will take America 1st vison to the next level which is good for the people of the USA not for other countries who are taking advantage of it.

What are the Chances for Trump Victory if people compare his Policies with Previous candidates?

Trump can easily win because people will get more jobs that were stolen from them by these outsiders. It's a very important reason why Trump become popular in the last 4 years. USA Gov. can spend more money on locals instead of wasting on illegal immigrants or those who came from different countries and become permanent citizens using different methods.

How much it looks weird as per End Homeless, there are thousands of local people without proper homes. But there are thousands of foreign people with proper jobs & houses all over the USA. If America 1st policy is successful, you may never see this much of people of roads, after reducing the number of outsiders in the country.

2- He owns Billions, No Need Salary or Corruption

Why most Politicians all over the world are corrupt?

It's the common thinking of people about these politicians that their main purpose to win any election is to become rich. In simple words, these people get a lot of unlimited powers & decisions to make which forces them to become corrupt. There are many poor countries all over the world with the richest leader in the world like Pakistan, India & Bangladesh, etc. The main purpose of these people is to collect as much money as possible to live the rest of their life & children without any worries. But you can understand what will happen to the people of the country? If anyone thinks the USA is saved from corruption, that's not possible.

This simple article on Country News explains explain a little bit about Obama's corruption. But if you dig deep, you can find a lot more because Obama is not rich and always need the backing of some rich people who help him in election funding. You can imagine how much they earn from Obama when he returned the favor.

Trump is a successful Businessman for the last many many years increasing his wealth by creating jobs

Trump is very old in business and unlike other politicians, he is creating jobs and making billions from the last many years. He already earns a lot of money from business which means he doesn't need to become corrupt to become rich. It's a very important reason if you understand by reading the above points discussed corrupt leaders. Good for the American people, Trump violates the most important rule which is based on most corruption and that is to use your powers to earn as much money possible. Don't you think that Trump can just expand his business a little bit more to make billions instead of corruption?

Why Trump and his Team cant be involved in Big corruption Scandals?

You need to understand the rule of corruption which is based on high to a low level. If someone is trying to steal people's money on any level, he must look at a high level for those people who can catch him. For example, if any member of the Obama team wants to do some kind of corruption, he must look to Obama and what he will do to him. Corruption is not possible if someone is strong on top of the list like Trump. In other words, Trump already owns billions, why he will accept a few millions as his share in any corruption? If Trump doesn't need money, he will not allow anyone to earn using cheap methods too. Its main reason why Trump and his administration cant be corrupt because someone on top is strong enough to stop them.

What he is doing with Salary?

You can read about what Trump is doing with his salary by reading the fact article on USA Today. Again, if someone is rich like Trump, why he will accept a few hundreds of thousands of salary? As per this article, he is spending this money for different departments. Is there any other leader you have seen in your life who actually spends on people instead of just earning from them in form of taxes?

Why it's an important factor in Trump Victory in the upcoming election against Biden?

People are always looking for someone who is not corrupt, spends money on people, also brave enough to stop other people from looting common people's wealth. It could be the reason why they love Trump who earns billions from business, not Like Biden who work in Gov. and may already become corrupt.

3- Balance of Trade with China and the World

Rise of China & their spread of business in different countries

China is the most powerful country in the world if you talk about the economic system. They were able to reduce the level of poverty in their country because of too much product which they send to all over the world. In simple words, they sell billions & trillions of dollars products to the world. There are many countries that are not creating many products in their home and just purchasing from China. But if a country is just importing goods from other countries, that means it's expansive and also they are not able to produce enough jobs for their people. If you trade with China, it means you are selling your people jobs to China people. It's acceptable for trade if there is a product which you cant produce in your country but if you import products which are possible to make in your country, that's a crime to buy from China or other countries against your people.

Why Trump is against China and taking Very Extreme actions in a trade war?

The war with China on the highest level is the most important positive point of Trump's 1st term as president. It's true that the main purpose of China is to replace the USA as the only superpower in the world. Unlike previous Presidents of the USA who just waste their energy against Muslims on the base of the "War on Terror", Trump know-how is their real enemy. Unlike just attacking some other Muslim countries and waste billions of dollars, Trump decided to prepare a full-scale war with China on each level. Below a mini point is very important for you to read about Trump's vision for local industries. Trump's war with China is not just about the balance of trade but he knows what China is planning for the last many many years. Trumps also realize about USA's biggest mistake to fight for terror and lost billions when China just involve in trade and collect trillions, make their army the largest in the world, prepare to defeat the USA, and more. Read the Forbes article about explaining China plans to destroy the US dollar and replace it with its own digital currency.

Trump vision for Local Industries to Rise Up which will create millions of jobs

The main purpose of the Trump war with China is to make the USA great in the trading system. Why the USA cant become the biggest exporter in the world like China? Trump wants to create a lot of industries, produce everything in the USA which they are importing & also export it to other countries. If he is successful, you will see some changes in the future of the USA and the world.

A) You will never see anyone jobless in the USA. B) Improvement in almost every facility from health to the Education system because Gov. will have trillions to spend on people. C) Lot of countries will depend on the USA like they are depending on China which can increase the USA's importance again in many countries.

Trump vs NATO

In the last many years, the USA spends too much money on NATO. Trump's mission to save money & create balance relations with everyone is an important reason why he goes too deep on the NATO budget with Europe. As per the BBC article, the USA spends more money than any other NATO member which is totally unfair. Now Trump forces these European nations to increase their spending on the NATO budget to make a balanced level for each country.

Trump Balance of Trade is very important for the People of the USA. A very important reason why he is so much popular

The balance of trade means the USA will not just import from countries but also export them too. For common people, it means the creation of millions of jobs. People in the USA love this vision because its best for their future. It's possible if Trump loses, Biden may stop the trade war with China which means Trump's vision to create millions of jobs by stopping import from countries like China" is also gone.

4- Truth in His Abilities, He Runs Organizations to make Billions - Who Gets this level of Experience?

Great Experience to Run Large Organizations & Earn Billions

Trump is the most experienced man who already knows everything about how to make money & also controls large organizations. he was able to earn billions successfully in lat many years. People trust him because they believe this much level of an experienced man who knows how to organize everything and make it beneficial.

First American President with this Level of Experience beneficial for People

Trump is the only president in the history of America who gets more experience compared to every other in who came before. You can imagine if someone can make billions for himself, how much he can become beneficial for people of the USA. He always thinks about profit 1st because that's what he learns from experience. If he is making any decision for people, it will always be very beneficial for them because its in Trump's nature.

Highest Job Creator in History

As you can read from this article The Balance, Trump created over 6.6 Million jobs in just 3 years. You can imagine how many jobs he may create if he completes 8 years in 2 terms. You can see the number may increase to over 17 million in 8 years. But most of the people already lost their jobs because of Corona, if Trump wins again, he will have to create more jobs then ever created which will make him number one in the history of America.

Before you get to the next points - Sign Up for Latest Updated via Email

It's important for you to subscribe using your email if looking for more high-quality content. Below is a list of some upcoming articles in the same category.

  1. China vs the USA - Who will Win?
  2. Trump vs Biden - Who Should Win & Why its important for the Whole World?
  3. Trump vs Biden - 20 Fake Polls Predictions for September 2020
  4. Can We See United Kingdom as Super Power Again?
  5. 10 Reasons Why Turkey is a Danger for the USA & Europe?
  6. China vs the USA - But which one is the future 3rd Block of Countries which can replace Both?
  7. Why the Rise of China is more Threat to Russia compared to the USA?
  8. China vs the USA - Why winning Africa is very important for both side?

5- Strong Action Against Violence on Name of "Black Life Matters"

Killing of George and Spread of Violence all over America

Everyone knows about what actually happens when a black man was killed by a policeman. But it started violence all over America & people started to talk about the hate for black people in the history of America. Thousands of people started to protest on street but you can't blame Trump for the actions of a policeman which many people did. Trump hate speech and strong tweets are all about hate for those people who are spreading hate everywhere & damaging properties.

Some people Irresponsible Behavior & Looting everywhere

Most people started peaceful protest all over America and there was no problem for anyone. But there are people who don't want peace in the USA, these people tried to make protest violent. A lot of shops were burned, many people hurt because of it and lost millions of dollars everywhere. Some people think Trump is against these protests but he is not talking about the peaceful gathering of people.

Strong Action Against these People & Save lives, property & Money of Common people

Trump threatened to use the military as per the BBC and use all-important force in hand to stop these people from making a peaceful protest to violence. You may see different results if Trump lay down in front of these violent protests and talk about people's rights. It may surely increase in violence and give these people more chance to destroy everything builds in many many years. When some content people understand that there is no one talking action or talking about them, they become braver.

Black Life Matters Movement

People started to talk about black life matters which means there is a value of black people in the USA similar to white people. There is a long history of violence about black people and some popular events happen in history which people always remember. Read the Black Past article which explains all protests happen which are about Black Life Matters.

Trump believe in All Life Matters & thats why people love him

Many people and especially the media call Trump a racist and start spreading hate about him. They think he is against black people but in truth its all about peaceful protest vs violence. Trump believes in all life matters which means there are many crimes done by black people against white people who are not popular. If you think no black people ever done anything bad in America and only white people are racist, that's not right. As you can read about crimes for 2017-2018, more then 24% time black people were involved in different crimes. There is one major problem with America and that about people's mindset about black people. No one cares much about white people, anything that happens to them is not important & there is no need for thousands of people to protest about it.

Another most important reason why more black people are killed compared to white people is a dangerous crime rate. It's easy to know that too many black people are involved in different crimes that force police to take action against them. People are highlighting black people's death more compare to white people and no one cares to know why black people are too much involved in dangerous crimes. You can understand that the behavior of these black people forces police to take more serious action compares to the behavior of white people when interacting with police.

6- First Fearless Leader Who is Not Scare of Anyone - Trump is Free

The politician always plan for their Public Statements & Make a lot of Plans with help of Others

Its normal practice that every politician is always working with a team of different people. Most of the time they write these politician speeches & convince them to speak whatever they want them too. These politicians just want to relax and don't want to worry much about the country because their main purpose his to think about themself. They always want to know if they can win again or not, how much money is collected into their account, they always try to avoid scandals until their time if finished. This is the normal behavior of these people who become president with the help of rich people money. But Trump is different from other people which is very important for the people of America.

Not Scared to tell World about China Virus

No one in the world is brave enough to say the truth about Corona Virus and blame China who is actually responsible for it. The virus started to spread in China & for some time they were able to know about how deadly it can become for the whole world. But they didn't warn the world & secretly death with it & now China is safe and the whole world burns. Some people believe that Corona Virus is a false flag operation by China because they spread the virus & then control it within a short time without giving warning to every other country. Now they are safe, everything is open & they people living normal lives there but many countries like the USA economy is the damage already.

Trump Represents thinking of people

Many people in the USA believe that Trump represents their thinking and he is mostly doing whatever they want to do. For example, people in America want to make their country great with America's First vision. The main focus of Trump is the Priority of USA people he is actually taking serious actions that few people don't like. Another example is the end of Wars which most people believe as a waste of trillions of dollars and the death of their family & friends members. If that money was not spent on wars, you may see a better America now with too many facilities available for people completely free.

People love his Power of Decision & not Scare of Consequences

Trump is making decisions without worry about any consequences which his own people don't like because they want him to follow the script. But he becomes 1st president in history who doesn't care about other people & no one can force him to do what he doesn't want.

7- Fight Against Corona and False Propogenda by Haters

Corona is Worse Disastour for Whole World

Corona is a worse problem for the whole world which every country faces in recent years. But people started to realize that it is not as deadly as everyone is scare of it. At the start, all countries started strict lockdown and force people to stay at the home. There was no information to any country about what actually happening & how much this virus can affect humans. Every country including America lost billions of dollars & it almost destroys their economy. For example, Saudi Arabia depends on oil export & when no one was purchasing, their economy completely lost.

Trump is Able to Deal with it Successfully but Media Spread Lies about death tolls

The media is the main reason why people are more scared & you can see their stat about how many people are infected which looks completely disagree. Everyone blames Trump because he is failed to control Corona in the USA but ints truth that Trump is actually failing to control MEDIA & MEDICAL CENTERS to spread lies about Coronavirus. These people don't want TYrump to be considered as a successful president and this is the reason they try their best to present corona as worse as it's not. There are some important questions & facts which will open your eyes.

A) Q: There was no Lockdown is Sweden and how many people died? B) Fact: Most of the people considered as a patient are those who may already recover without even feeling any symptoms. C) Q: How country like Pakistan without any health facilities and just 1% or even less compared to the USA recover from Corona & no proper lockdown was implemented there? D) Fact: Do you know that millions of people all over the world are dead by different diseases which is a hundred times more than deaths from Corona. E) Solution: Do you know how a country can defeat Corona? When they stop producing fake stats, control their media & medical institutes, or create a better method of confirmation of stats received.

What Biden may have done something special if he is President of USA now?

Many people are comparing Biden with Trump and think like he may have done a better job. Yes, that truth because if Biden is president, the media will stop counting fake patients & Gov will also start receiving positive reports instead of the fake reports which the Trump administration is receiving now. Can you understand the above few lines which are good enough to make Biden hero in this scenario?

The main Media consider it Trump defeat because Corona is spreading in the USA more compare to the world but it's not true

The media is spread a lot of hate for Trump and creating too many fake polls which you can see all over the media. They are using these fake Corona stats as Trump's failure and its Giv biggest mistake to unable to create a more better method of verification of stats sent by hospitals and other sources. Read this article on White House which will open your eyes about what Trump had done for the nation which media don't want to share & keep spreading hate on most channels.

Media Hates for Trump & People Find the Truth

If you look at media who are mostly hating Trump, just showing people how much Trump is bad, you may also become a Biden lover. All media is not bad but you can understand good people lost media war. But social media is very strong these days & millions of USA people are available on different sites to find the actual truth. Thousands of articles are already written which shows how much Trump is destroying the USA, all negatively spread all over the media. Look at below some examples which spread hates & we don't recommend you to read them.

Indivisible, New Yorker, & Bloomberg Its just a simple example of different articles written on how much Trump is dangerous for the USA.

8- Hate for War & Returning of Soldiers Back to Home

Wars and short History of America

The article on Thought Co explains the American history of Wars in different countries. But there is an interesting fact which you see there no single war is started by Trump in the last 4 years.

Trump Hate for War

As per an article on Fox News Trump's lovers are actually using this to their advantage. People of American don't want wars because they lose their loved ones fighting useless wars. America lost trillions in a war that was supposed to use for common people & China saved this money to replace the USA which everyone can see now.

Returning of Troops from Different countries

Read on Military Times & NYTimes about Trump's plans to remove soldiers from war countries. There is no problem for people if their soldiers are sent to some peaceful countries where they are not threatened always. But Trump is actually fulfiling his election campaign promise where he asked people to vote to stop endless wars.

The positive impact of Trump War policy & people really love about it

Trump against war is very popular in the whole country and people can also see they are no longer losing their loved ones in war against different countries. They believe that Biden may start another war with any country like Iran or some other. Trump is the only one who is against these Wars. You can read above Trump plans to remove almost all soldiers from different countries.

Biden vs Trump - Old Review (No Longer Valid)

What Trump will do to America & World if Win Again?

There are hundreds of people who disagree with this article when I share on different social media platforms. They consider it a one-sided article that is against Trump only. But as you can see 2 out of 5 Points are written in favor of him. Now another article is coming in 2 days which will focus on more balanced points and the topic chosen for that article is " Trump vs Biden - Who Should Win & Why its important for the Whole World? "


In my honest opinion, the only problem with Trump is his open talk, tweets without any planning. There are thousands of people in the USA who can say we dislikeTrump but love his Policies. He is too straight and doesn't fear to say whatever he thinks is right to everyone. Above are a few examples of the good work he did for the United State of America. I accept that there is too much more to be added to the above list. Yesterday, it was my first time to realize how much Trump is popular because I received 85% negative reviews on my article across almost every platform. After that I read too many articles, talk to Trump lovers and it was hours of discussion to find out Truth. That's what happens if you follow mainstream media which is mostly one-sided.

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