The summer had come to its ending, and now all people are returning to their usual rhythms of life and daily routines. Kids are getting ready for new school year, their parents are ready for new professional achievements and students are coming back to their college and university campuses.
Being a student is always difficult. College studies assume hard work, long lectures, a huge amount of new information, long and sleepless nights, but it also brings new experience and lots of great memories. With the rapid technological development, their lives become not only easier but also more productive. There are many devices that help to save time and speed up the work. There is also some cool dorm room stuff that helps students relax, distract from learning, and have some fun in their free time
If you or someone you know is going to plunge into the campus life, this list of must-have college dorm room gadgets will help you to handle the difficulties of university studies with ease, spend your free time effectively, chill out and get everything done on time.
Top cool tech gadgets for college students
1) Tablet
Use of tablets had become very popular among young people. This happened not without a reason, comparing to the smartphone, a tablet is much more convenient and productive; it has more useful functions, and usually, it has a stronger battery and better internet connection.
For example, thanks to quite big display, students can easily use programs like MS Word or other text editors on their tablets, such gadgets are also good with graphic editors, which is a useful feature if you need to edit pictures for a presentation.

Besides, you can use tablets for reading. Usually, modern tablets support various types of formats. It can also be used for surfing the Internet to find needed information; this way a tablet can replace many other things like notebooks, pens, books, and so on, and you will not need to attend the library to find needed book or data, as with the tablet everything you need is within a short reach.
2) Mini printer for a smartphone.This point doesn't need too much explanation. We all know that studying at the university first of all means writing tons of papers, so having a portable mini printer that can print out papers and pictures right from your smartphone will give you many benefits. This way, if you ever will face a critical lack of time and inability to complete some assignment, the hi tech world is at your convenience.
Simply search for some academic service, like the one followed by this link -, text them "please, write my essays for me" right from your phone, get an instant professional assistance, receive a quality-written work in few hours and print them out right away!
3) Desk organizer
This point is not exactly a gadget, but it's one of the most useful dorm room accessories that a student could ask for; there are tons of various organizers of all shapes and kinds, so anyone can find what suits them the most. The biggest advantage of having such desk organizer in your dorm room is that this way all your stuff will be well organized all the time, and you will thus reduce the possibility of losing some important notes, books or papers.

Besides, there are some cool tech organizers. Such bars will be more expensive than usual organizers, but they will give you some additional benefits like a space for a keyboard under the bar or additional USB ports and charging stations.
4) Mini fridge.
The mini fridge will be a good solution for students who live in smaller dorm rooms because this way they will avoid issues with lack of free space in the room, will keep all their products fresh, and will rid themselves of the necessity to store their food in a mutual fridge.
5) 3 in 1 breakfast station.
It's not a secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Healthy and delicious breakfast along with a cup of hot tea or coffee helps a student to wake up before classes and gain enough energy for the whole day. However, many scholars, as well as people who have full-time jobs, skip their breakfast due to one of the following reasons:
1) they don't have enough time to cook meals;
2) when we are talking about a dorm room, many of them feature only one kitchen for several rooms or the whole block, which means that a student will spend even more time waiting in the line to cook something. In both of these cases, such breakfast station will be a great solution. Such station features three sections: a coffee maker, an oven tray where you can make fried eggs, bacon or sausages and a multi-functional toaster, which can not only make great toasts but also heat your meals or bake something.

Such 3 in 1 breakfast stations are extremely popular among student s because they are not expensive, they have quite compact design, so they will not take too much space in your room, they are simple and convenient in use, and, most important - they allow you to cook your breakfast and morning coffee without spending time on it, just put your products in relevant sections and continue getting ready while the station cooks.
6) USB light for a laptop.
The muse comes at night. Many students will agree with this statement because due to their busy schedules they often do their homework at night, and for such cases, a USB laptop light will come in handy and help you to study without harming your eyes and waking up your roommates.

7) Cleaning robot.
We had already mentioned how busy modern students are. So obviously not many of them have enough time for cleaning their rooms regularly, yet, there is a simple but wise solution to this matter - cleaning robot!

Such robots know their job and will easily clean up the mess in your dorm room while you are busy with everyday businesses or simply want to have some rest.
8) Portable charger for a smartphone.
Every student spends lots of time with their smartphones. They use them to surf the Internet, make notes during the day, text, call, watch videos and play games, accordingly, their gadgets are dying rather fast, and the perspective to get a not-working phone in the middle of the day does not sound really good.

Therefore, having one of small phone chargers is a great idea! There are many different variations of portable power banks: tiny pocket chargers, bigger portable power banks, charging phone cases, and each of these has different charging capacity, so students can choose what is more convenient for them. Read some more suggestions here.
Do share what devices are the must have from your point of view? Below is the comment section.
posted on 23 August at 10:10
Another must-have for the students is the paper writing service!