Here are some superb suggestions from the blog Please make sure you check it out. You can subscribe to the blog by e-mailing [email protected]. I really line number 8.
1. Give an extra 10% today. Try this for everything you do and just see what happens. I bet in most instances the extra 10% doesn’t require a lot more effort but the consequences and results are far greater.
2. Switch electronic equipment off. Even for a short period of time this is not only good for your mind but will be appreciated by the people you love. In my humble opinion, nothing beats ‘real conversations’ and you can’t get this from technology.
3. You only get one shot at 16th October 2012, or any day for that matter. Use it wisely. Love, laugh, listen, share memories, help other people, do a good deed, have no regrets, whatever it is, just do it.
4. 8 is the magic number. I once read that our day should be split into three equal parts of eight: Eight hours to sleep, eight hours to work, eight hours for anything else. It shouts something about balance to me.
5. Ask questions and be curious. It takes more confidence to step out of your comfort zone and ask ‘that’ question. Whilst some people may see that as a sign of weakness, I believe it shows strength but more importantly builds knowledge to help make decisions and helps to improve relationships. I also think asking questions proves that the person is listening. That old saying, we have two ears and only one mouth….
I would love you to contribute your own suggestions. All you have to do it e-mail David at [email protected].
Thanks for reading
Life Coach Magazine
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