A sign of consciousness
on the wall, mercurial
dreams, shifting frames;
a room with no doors,
just open spaces,
held across by its threshold,
palms on each side, two
horns rising from the seat of
mind, two legs held to
gather as one al
-chemical disposition
reverence for sym
-bols deliverance
a gesture held be
-tween two fingers an oppo
-sable thumb, an index run
-ning through an appendix
citing reason
for lack of rhyme, time
unmeasured, scales tip
-ping, trickling off, shattered
instrument, at dawn
a gray cell, a prison
house for visions that fade
on waking, recur
like footsteps, pacing
a soul’s wince for every
red cell that bleeds free
-dom and only finds
fate at the feet of its host
who serves guests with no appet
-ite white wine in green
bottles at room temp
(February 12, 2013)
Also, see this: syllable index