
75+ Superhero Trivia Questions and Answers

Posted on the 04 April 2021 by Smithonepa

Do you like superheroes? If yes then you probably know that they are not the real one, rather a fictional hero. They get popularity just because of their extraordinary powers which they use in a positive way against the crime. Comic books and comic strips, television and film, and popular culture and video games are the main zones where we can see a lot of heroes in different costumes with a unique characteristic.

Do you know Commander Safeguard is Pakistan’s first animated superhero Series? It was basically produced by the Pakistani advertising agency IAL Saatchi & Saatchi. The character is popular in Pakistan and in Mexico, where it is known as Capitan Escudo. If you are really interested to boost up your knowledge about your favorite superheroes then this article could be the best choice.

Superhero trivia

Superhero trivia

1) Who was the first widely hailed superhero, appearing in Action Comics #1 in June 1938?

Show AnswerSuperman

2) In which century, there were notable and popular fictional characters that foreshadowed and inspired the superheroes to come?

Show AnswerIn the first four decades of the 20th century

3) Who was the first masked crime fighter in comic books whom Centaur Publications introduced in 1936?

Show AnswerClock

4) Which superhero has complete control over his heart allowing him to stop it from beating, or make it beat louder and can also hear all the heartbeats on the plane?

Show AnswerSuperman

5) There was a superhero, who was a practicing Buddhist. He practices Buddhism and fights crime, what is his name?

Show AnswerGreen Lama

6) Which superhero has an advanced ability to live forever? He attempts to kill himself many times in the comic book only to come back to life.

Show AnswerMr. Immortal

7) Which superhero can hear people talking through a soundproof wall, and can recognize a heartbeat from 20 feet away?

Show AnswerDaredevil

8) How many suits Iron man have, some designed to go to the depths of the oceans, others to take on the avengers?

Show Answer50

9) The shield-wielding character was originally created in 1940 as a response to World War II. The first name “super America” didn’t last long because the creators felt there were too many superheroes using “super” in their ID. What was the second name?

Show AnswerCaptain America

10) Hulk, is a green superhero powerhouse. When he was originally drawn for the comics, what was his actual color?

Show AnswerGrey

Superhero trivia pdf

11) Who is the pioneer of comic books, whose company Detective Comics founded the Action Comics in 1937?

Show AnswerMalcolm Wheeler-Nicholson

12) What was Thanos’ IQ level?

Show AnswerOver 9000

13) Batman is also known as the Dark Knight. What is his real name?

Show AnswerBruce Wayne

14) Where Batman mostly keeps his super equipment?

Show AnswerAround his belt

15) Who is popular for “The Man of Steel” just because of his superpowers?

Show AnswerSuperman

16) The Green Lantern is the normal human being without any power, from which thing he drives the power that he wears?

Show AnswerFrom the ring

17) What is the real name of superhero Flash?

Show AnswerBarry Allen

18) After which accident superhero Flash got the superpowers?

Show AnswerA mixture of chemicals thrown on him gave him the super strengths.

19) Who proves to be a great crime fighter due to his super acrobatic skills?

Show AnswerRobin (boy wonder)

20) Bruce Banner helps fight crime when he is in which mode?

Show AnswerHulk

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Hard superhero trivia

21) When British play The Scarlet Pimpernel and its spinoffs popularized the idea of a masked avenger and the superhero trope of a secret identity?

Show AnswerIn 1903

22) When was Batman created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger?

Show AnswerAt the end of the decade, in 1939

23) In 1940, which series debut in the Big Little Book series, by Russell R. Winter Botham, Henry E. Vallely, and Erwin L. Hess?

Show AnswerMaximo the Amazing Superman

24) Which superhero appeared for the first time in print in December 1940?

Show AnswerCaptain America

25) One superpowered character was portrayed as an antiheroine, a costumed emissary of Satan who killed evildoers to send them to Hell. Who was she?

Show AnswerBlack Widow

26) Wonder Woman’s first appearance was in which Comics published by All-American Publications, one of two companies that would merge to form DC Comics in 1944?

Show AnswerAll-Star Comics #8

27) In 2017, who introduced Sign Gene, a film featuring a group of deaf superheroes whose powers derive from their use of sign language?

Show AnswerPluin

28) What was wonder woman’s most special fighting tool?

Show AnswerLasso of truth

29) Who was the first female superhero?

Show AnswerFantomah/Woman in Red

30) Who is the strongest superhero?

Show AnswerSuperman

Do you know in 2005 superman became a vegetarian! See the trivia below for more interesting facts about your favorite superhero.

Kid-friendly superhero trivia

Superhero trivia

31) What is superman’s only weakness?

Show AnswerKryptonite

32) Which city does Batman protect?

Show AnswerGotham city

33) Which superhero grew up on planet Tamaran?

Show AnswerStarfire

34) The character of robin first introduced in which year?

Show AnswerIn 1940

35) What was Superman’s Kryptonian name?

Show AnswerKal-El

36) Magneto was born in which city?

Show AnswerPoland

37) What was the name of the metal in Wolverine’s bones?

Show AnswerAdamantium

38) For which newspaper does Peter Parker work?

Show AnswerDaily Planet

39) From where has Colossus come from?

Show AnswerRussia

40) Which superhero is created by Jack Kirby and Joe Witch?

Show AnswerCaptain America

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Guess the superhero trivia.

41) Superman is the character from which planet?

Show AnswerKrypton

42) What is the real name of Batgirl?

Show AnswerBarbara Gordon

43) Who gave the green lantern the superpower ring?

Show AnswerAn alien

44) What is Wonder Woman’s real name?

Show AnswerPrincess Diana

45) Flash is known as flash for which reason?

Show AnswerHe is superfast.

46) Who is the ally, Batman and Robin?

Show AnswerBatgirl

47) Who is the fictional man behind the superhero of Wolverine?

Show AnswerJames Howlett

48) Which superhero shot down from a plane and frozen in ice water for many decades?

Show AnswerCaptain America

49) Peter Parker is the fictional man behind which superhero?

Show AnswerSpiderman

50) Which superheroes wear bulletproof bracelets?

Show AnswerWonder Woman

Sometimes superheroes have friends which help them, like Jimmy Olsen in the Superman stories. These friends are called “sidekicks”. One of the famous sidekicks is robin from Batman and Robin. The next trivia is for those who are strongly attached to comic books.

Comic superhero trivia


51) With which name superman go to the metropolis?

Show AnswerClark Kent

52) Which superhero become the most powerful X-men?

Show AnswerWolverine

53) What is the real name of Captain America?

Show AnswerSteven Rogers

54) Which incident made Peter Parker a powerful Spiderman?

Show AnswerThe bit of a lab spider

55) Which superheroine shoots a laser from her eyes?

Show AnswerSupergirl

56) After the missing of Berry Allen’s father and mother, who adopted and raised Berry(flash)?

Show AnswerPolice officer

57) The Green Lantern uses which name as a secret identity?

Show AnswerKyle Rayner

58) From which Island Wonder Woman came?

Show AnswerParadise Islands

59) How the Fantastic Four get their superpower?

Show AnswerExposure to cosmic rays

60) Raymond Palmer is the alter ego of which superhero?

Show AnswerThe Atom

Superhero trivia 2019

61) What is the bad guy’s character name in “Fantastic Four”?

Show AnswerDoctor Doom

62) At the beginning of the movie “X-Men”, how is Logan making a living?

Show AnswerCage fighting

63) Wonder Woman was made from clay by her mother and was brought to life by which God?

Show AnswerGreek Gods

64) Which superhero has an indestructible shield?

Show AnswerDoctor America

65) Which superhero cannot transform back into the human form anymore?

Show AnswerThe Thing

66) What is the name of the archnemesis of the Fantastic Four?

Show AnswerVictor Von Doom

67) Debuting in 1965, which superhero is also known as Goliath and Ronin?

Show AnswerHawkeye

68) Which of the following superhero can manipulate and resist the weather?

Show AnswerStrom

69) Who was the first female superhero of the Justice Society of America?

Show AnswerWonder Woman

70) The “Scarlett Speedster” is the nickname of which superhero?

Show AnswerThe Flash


Anaconda was born with superhuman strength, the ability to heal his own wounds, and the power of flight. He was later given an invisible, strong exoskeleton to protect him further. Are you ready for some superb quizzes to explore the superheroes’ fictional world?

Superhero quiz game

71) What weapon does Thor Wield?

Show AnswerHammer

72) Which superhero is Carol Danvers?

Show AnswerCaptain Marvel

73) Spiderman lives in which city?

Show AnswerNew York

74) Wonder Woman’s home of Paradise Island was also called what?

Show AnswerThemyscira

75) What relation Sue and Johnny had in fantastic four?

Show AnswerBrother and Sister.

76) Which character is resurrected in “X-Men: the last stand”?

Show AnswerJean Grey

77) What was the name of Clark Kent’s boss on the daily planet?

Show AnswerWhite

78) In Spider-Man 3, what does spider-man shoot from his hands?

Show AnswerWebs

79) Who played Magneto in X-Men?

Show AnswerIan McKellen

80) What was the name of Iron Mans Tony Stark’s loyal assistant?

Show AnswerPepper Potts

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