March 3, 2020, was the Super Tuesday in the United States when a number of U.S states held the Presidential primary elections. Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders emerged as the Democratic Party’s clear front runner. The only rival who didn’t endorse Joe Biden was Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Moreover, the year 2020 starts with the detection of Coronavirus in Wuhan, China. This disease is spreading all over the world fastly. In Italy, the outbreak is worst and schools are shut-down for many days. Around sixteen million people are locked down due to the Coronavirus outbreak in Northern Italy. This post provides more information about the current events happening all over the world. These are 70+ Current Events Trivia questions and answers for you.
Current Events Trivia
![70+ current events trivia questions and answer [For Everyone] Current Events Trivia](
1. In Northern Italy how many people are locked down due to Coronavirus?
Show AnswerSixteen million2. Which country announced to cut down oil prices for preferred customers?
Show AnswerSaudi Arabia3. Who is selected as the White House Chief of Staff by Trump?
Show AnswerMark Meadows (North Carolina Politician)4. How many states Joe Bedin won on Super Tuesday?
Show AnswerNine out of Forteen5. Which longtime host of MSNBC resigned due to some controversies?
Show AnswerChris Matthews6. In which country Ebola patients were treated for 20 months?
Show AnswerDemocratic Republic of Congo7. Which Democratic Presidential candidate didn’t endorse Joe Bedin after the super Tuesday result?
Show AnswerSenator Elizabeth Warren8. Who said “I need some space around this”?
Show AnswerElizabeth Warren9. How many tornadoes occured in Tennessee during the first month of the year 2020?
Show AnswerFour10. Which name is selected for the next NASA headover to Mars?
Show AnswerPerseveranceCurrent Events Quiz for High School Students
11. Who submitted the selected name?
Show AnswerAlexander Mather, a seventh grade student from Springfield.12. How many students from Kindergarten to high school participated in this contest?
Show Answer28,00013. Which country is suffering the worst Coronavirus outbreak in Europe?
Show AnswerItaly14. Who emerged as the Democratic Party’s clear front-runner from the super tuesday?
Show AnswerJoe Biden and Bernie Sanders15. On March 3, how many people were killed by a series of tornadoes in Tennessee?
Show AnswerMore than two dozen16. Who was the White House chief of staff removed by President Trump on March 6?
Show AnswerMick Malvaney17. Who won the 2020 Pritzker Prize on March 3?
Show AnswerYvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara18. In which profession they won the honor?
Show AnswerArchitecture19. Who was the host of show “The James Lipton Show” died this year?
Show AnswerJames Lipton20. How old was James Lipton when he died?
Show AnswerNinety ThreeDo you know who is the current Prime Minister of Canada? What is the current public debt of the United States? And Who is the current president of France? These are some basic Current Events Questions to Ask anyone. If you don’t know the answers to these questions you have to find it out. Therefore, we provide a way to find answers to these and some other questions like these. So, these are some Current Events Quiz Bee questions and answers also to get more information.
Current Events Questions to Ask
![70+ current events trivia questions and answer [For Everyone] Current Events Trivia](
21. How many days Lindsay Lohan spends in jail this summer?
Show AnswerThirteen22. Who was replaced by Justice John Pau Stevens?
Show AnswerElena Kagan23. In which city presence of too much lead makes the tap water unsafe?
Show AnswerFlint, Michigan24. Nancy Peloci is currently performing as what in the U.S Representative?
Show AnswerSecretary25. Who is the current prime minister of Canada?
Show AnswerJustin Trudeau26. Emmanuel Macron is the current president of which country?
Show AnswerFrance27. What is the current U.S public debt in 2020?
Show Answer$22 trillion28. How many Justices the U.S Supreme Court has?
Show AnswerNine29. What is the annual inflation rate of the United States?
Show Answer2.3 percent30. What was the fertility rate for the United States in 2017?
Show Answer1765.5 per 1000 womenWant to know about Disney princess?: 100+ california history trivia questions and answers
Current Events Quiz Bee Questions and Answers
31. Who is the Secretary of State of Trump’s administration?
Show AnswerMike Pompeo32. Which country started the process of leaving the European Union?
Show AnswerThe United Kingdom33. How many Noble prizes were awarded in 2018?
Show AnswerFive34. What caused the decline in life expectancy in British Columbia for the first time?
Show AnswerIncrease in drug overdose35. Why the Candian Pension Plan Contributions goes up during the year?
Show AnswerDue to Federal tax changes36. Where is the Ultima Thule (an icy island)?
Show AnswerNorth of Britain37. Who won the 67th Miss Universe award?
Show AnswerCatriona Gray38. Who discovered cancer therapy?
Show AnswerTasuku Honjo39. Which Noble prize was not awarded in 2018?
Show AnswerLiterature40. When the 42nd World Junior Ice Hockey Championship opened?
Show AnswerOn December 26, 2017![70+ current events trivia questions and answer [For Everyone] Link_Image](
Current Events Trivia Questions and Answers 2019
41. When the ceremony of the 76th Golden Globes Awards happened?
Show AnswerJanuary 6, 201942. Which film won the title of Best movie award?
Show AnswerBohemian Rhapsody43. Which film won most awards?
Show AnswerGreen Book44. How much the BP oil spill leaked approximately per day?
Show Answer70,000 barrels45. Which country experienced more earthquakes in 2019?
Show AnswerIndonesia46. Football is usually played in which season?
Show AnswerFall47. In which country same-sex marriage become legal?
Show AnswerAustria48. Which country withdraws from OPEC in 2019?
Show AnswerQatar49. When the Indian Air Force launched airstrikes on militant camps in Balakot, Pakistan?
Show AnswerFebruary 26-27, 201950. What is Nepal’s first research satellite launched in 2019?
Show AnswerNepaliSat-1These are some Weekly News Quiz for Students. It gives information about the current happenings in the world which a student must know such as the Coronavirus outbreak spreading in all over the world, the Super Tuesday event happened recently and other latest news about politics and media as well.
Weekly News Quiz for Students
![70+ current events trivia questions and answer [For Everyone] Current Events Trivia](
51. What is the climate law proposed by the European Union?
Show AnswerTo achieve a target of net zero greenhouse gas emission by 2050.52. Which country’s Chancellor said that two-third of the country would be affected by Coronavirus?
Show AnswerGermany (Angela Merkel)53. Which Biden’s rival doesn’t endorse him?
Show AnswerElizabeth Warren54. In which country one member of the royal family ordered the arrest of four other members?
Show AnswerIn Saudi Arabia55. Which country passed a proposal which allows a leader to stay in office for two additional six-years and perhaps for life?
Show AnswerRussia56. Who is the fourth White House chief of staff?
Show AnswerMark Meadows57. Which country’s president and his chief rival both took the oath of office?
Show AnswerAfghanistan58. Whose autobiography was cancelled to publish by Hachette Book Group?
Show AnswerWoody Allen59. In which country thousands of women are protesting against violence?
Show AnswerMexico60. Which famous Swedish actor died on March 8, 2020?
Show AnswerMax Von SydowWant to know about Disney princess?: 65+ medical trivia questions and answers
Current Event Trivia 2020
61. When Israel’s third Legislative election was held?
Show AnswerOn March 2, 202062. What was the worst day in the stock market in the United States since December 2008?
Show Answer9 March 202063. Which city was hit by a tornado in the U.s on super tuesday?
Show AnswerNashville64. In which States Bernie Sanders won?
Show AnswerCalifornia, Colorado, Utah and Vermont65. Which country announced the closure of school for 11 days due to coronavirus?
Show AnswerItaly66. What is the name of the new format of Twitter introduced in Brazil?
Show Answer “Fleet”67. Around how many visitors found in The Louvre Park in Paris after it reopens on March 2?
Show Answer30,00068. What was the reason behind the loss in many states according to Bernie Sanders himself?
Show AnswerThe unsuccessful campaign in driving the young voters69. After how many years the third election in Israel happened?
Show AnswerAfter less than a year70. The most influential business manager of his time “Jack Welch” died at what age?
Show Answer8471. To which company he was associated?
Show AnswerGeneral Electric72. What was banned by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin?
Show AnswerGay marriage![70+ current events trivia questions and answer [For Everyone] Link_Image](