Fashion Magazine

7 Ways You Can Have a Happier Life by Finding Your Style

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

In Gretchen Rubin's Happier podcast the topic of Finding Your Style was one of the topics (and Inside Out Style was mentioned as a great resource to help you do this squeeee!).

There are so many reasons that finding your style can help you feel happier.

1. Dressing from the Inside Out

When you find your style you can identify what it is in clothing and accessories that make you feel like the best version of you. This then allows you to make great choices when putting items together in your existing wardrobe and also when shopping to only bring home garments that are really "you". I mean we've all had that feeling in a changing room when you try something on and think "It's not me" but you don't really know how to identify what is "me" so you keep on with that hit-and-miss approach. 7 Ways You Can Have a Happier Life by Finding Your Style

When you understand how your personality influences every style choice you make it becomes easy to identify what is "me" and what is not, this leads me to my second point.

2. Delete the Overwhelm

You know what is right for you and your personality, and when you also understand what works for your unique body the choices become clear.

When you have a style recipe that speaks to who you are, and who you want to be, and what you need, this simplifies the process of both getting dressed and making new purchases, deleting the feeling of overwhelm that can so easily happen when you walk into a store and there just seems to be so much choice.

3. Reduce Choices (Which Makes Your Brain Happier)

I remember my mother telling me how she'd never shop in a department store as there was just "too much choice" and she didn't know how to make the selection from the thousands of possible garments to only take the few things that had a good chance of working for her into the changing room to try on. This is because she didn't have her own personalized style guidelines sorted out. She didn't know what worked for her physicality or her personality (which is what I teach here and also in even more depth in my 7 Steps to Style program).

My clients tell me that when they know what works (and I've experienced this myself too now that I have the knowledge and wisdom of a great style education), the choices become easy and fast. Neuroscience research shows that our brains don't actually like too much choice, so limiting what you even look at because you're not looking at the colours you know aren't going to make you shine, is one of the first and easiest steps to take when shopping for clothes. Plus when you have a wardrobe filled with clothes in colours that are in harmony with each other (and with you) it becomes really easy to put together outfits as you know the colours mix and match, so you need fewer clothes to make more outfits.

7 Ways You Can Have a Happier Life by Finding Your Style4. Save Money

This leads to saving money as you no longer waste money on the wrong clothes and accessories because you know what is going to work and what is not.

4. Reduce Waste

Of course, then you also reduce your waste footprint, as what you buy gets worn (given current research shows that on average women don't wear 40% of the clothes they buy each year) this can have a significant impact on our environment, with fewer garments discarded that can turn into landfill. Plus of course, when you know what works you are prepared to spend a bit more money on a garment that's better quality and will last longer (as you no longer fear "expensive mistakes" like you've made in the past). This is also great as it makes your wardrobe more sustainable.

6. Save the Planet

In turn you're now helping to save the planet, with less wastage, and less water used to grow the crops that are turned into the garments that are made into garments that you wear over and over (did you know according to the World Wildlife Fund it takes 2700 litres of water to make one cottonT-shirt? That's enough water for a human to drink to last 900 days!).

When you make more discerning shopping decisions you'll curate a much more sustainable wardrobe that lasts longer, is worn more and raises your self-esteem because you enjoy what you wear as it expresses who you are and makes you feel good.

7. Feel Confident

This leads to feeling more confident as you know what works and can dress in a way to express your personality so you feel you're putting your best foot forward each day. You stop feeling guilty about wasting your precious time, money and energy as well leading you to having a happier life.

Listen to the Happier Podcast with Gretchen Rubin

One of my lovely blog readers and clients sent in a recommendation that has been shared on Gretchen Rubin's Happier podcast

Identify Your Style, an Easy Hack For Clutter, and a Talk with Gary Vee

Inside Out Style is mentioned at 13 minutes 16 seconds if you want to fast forward.

And if you want to learn more about finding your style (and why you currently struggle so much with it) please go watch my new video masterclass - the replay i s only available til the end of this month.

7 Ways You Can Have a Happier Life by Finding Your Style 7 Ways You Can Have a Happier Life by Finding Your Style

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