Lifestyle Magazine

7 Green Businesses: Thinking About the Future Today

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

The world of business has been going green for a few decades now, and the global demand for sustainability has given rise to a wide range of environmentally friendly niche industries. Right now, brands that realized the potential behind green business trends early on are bringing peak profits home by bucketfuls, and judging by the market outlook, the growth in the eco business sector will persist and grow in the years to come.

Best Green Businesses You Can Start at Home

7 Green Businesses: Thinking About the Future Today

If you're considering jumping onto the green startup boat any time soon, here are the top seven niche industries you should keep an eye out on.

Bikes are the ultimate form of green transport and their popularity will only grow as years go by. The rise in demand for pedal-powered transport has opened the door to sustainable and steady growth of cycle retail and servicing, so if you want to carve a piece of the eco cake for yourself, you should launch a bike repair and refurbishment startup while the market demand is still high.

If a desk job isn't exactly your image of an ideal green career, recycling pickup might be more up your alley. All you need to do to launch a recycling pickup business is to collect e-waste such as outdated TV sets, defunct PCs and laptops, discarded cell phones, broken household appliances, and even used-up batteries and transport them to the local recycling plant for a pre-set fee.

If you have the necessary organizational capacities and a piece of commercial real estate at your disposal, you can launch a green franchise. Launching and running an eco-friendly franchise is as easy as ABC: simply browse through eco-friendly brand opportunities online, find the one you like best, sign a contract with the franchiser, and get instant access to a reputable brand name, flagship product or service, and a consumer base.

The best part? You can get it all without the need for additional marketing investments which often pose a problem for up-and-coming businesses.

Making organic compost doesn't entail extensive costs or spatial requirements but it can bring you a small fortune if handled properly. Place compost bins in one section of your yard and use them to make compost from food scraps, leaves, lawn trimmings, and other organic waste.

You can sell eco compost, mulch, and fertilizer at the local green market to farmers, gardeners, and community supported agriculture organizations and earn quite a lot of cash with minimal effort invested.

7 Green Businesses: Thinking About the Future Today

Eco-consulting is another fast-growing green niche that can bring in a high return on investment, which makes it a smart green business idea to put to use in 2017, granted you have knowledge about eco-safe tech.

The services geotechnical engineering consultants normally provide include provision of residential and commercial property evaluations, counseling services, and expert recommendations as to the ways to dial up environmental safety.

The energy efficiency of residential and commercial HVAC systems can go down due to buildup of powder, dust mites, and other small debris, which opens the doors to high profit for would-be green entrepreneurs who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.

The profit potential in the niche is expected to go up as more and more homeowners awaken to the benefits of green cleaning, such as utility savings, improved health, and long-term increase of property market value. As for the knowledge required to jump onboard the green air tube cleaning wagon, it takes a minimal amount of time to acquire, and you can find necessary information on your own or sign up for a brief online course.

Brands involved in sustainable fashion are getting more numerous by the day, but the demand for sustainable clothing is also on a steady rise around the globe.

You can join the green fashion market by launching a DIY jewelry brand or making clothes from organic textiles such as cotton, wool, or hemp or bamboo fabric. As a self-made fashion designer, you'll get to help save Mother Nature, voice your inventiveness, and create clothing items people will be happy and proud to wear.

In the years to come, businesses across industries will be changing into the green getup and new brands of the eco-friendly block will be able to scoop up decent profit with minimal investments or time required.

Ready to board the eco-friendly business boat? Try one of the green ideas, and you'll soon be bringing success medals home. 🙂

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