Entertainment Magazine

7 Films I Am Looking Forward to in 2013

Posted on the 26 May 2013 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

You may be thinking wait a minute it’s already 2013. But I thought I would have a look at the rest of the year and pick the 7 films I am most looking forward too. These choices vary depending on how I think the film looks, or even ones which have my favorite actors or actresses in them. Some I have honestly been looking forward to since they were first announced, and others I have come across very recently.

What are you looking forward to for the rest of 2013?

Man of Steel

Now this new Superman film really does look very epic, the trailer has been attached to pretty much every film over the past few months and I am not even sick of seeing it yet. It really is building up the suspense to what looks like a brilliant reboot (the less said about the last attempt the better). Anything with Russell Crowe and Kevin Costner supporting has to be a winner *fingers crossed* as I really do have high hopes for this one. Especially with how good superhero films have been recently!

Girl Most Likely

This just really does look like such a fun film and Kristen Wiig looks to be back on form in this one. Yes I really did love Bridesmaid so always hoping for something in a similar mold from Wiig. This looks like it has plenty going for it, hope I am not wrong!

August: Osage County

As soon as I heard Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts were going to star in the movie version of this much-loved play, I thought it just had Academy Awards written all over it. When you watch the trailer I am sure you will think that as well, going to be a big one at next years Oscars!

World War Z

The reason I have included this one in the list is because it has the potential to be one of the biggest flops of all time and that makes you even more curious about a film doesn’t it! Looks like films we have seen before, but it does make you wonder what is going on and what is happening from the trailer. So it seems as though it is going to pull in the audiences at least.

Now You See Me

I have seen this trailer quite a few times now at the cinema and it has made me really want to see this film, I want to know what the big trick is and the game. I think it really helps that Morgan Freeman is talking about it all over the trailer as well. But it certainly has my attention and I cannot wait to see this film!

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

I really enjoyed the first installment of The Hunger Games and think this film is going to pick up where the first one left off and really continue the story. It certainly isn’t going to be a happily ever after story. Let’s hope it is just as good if not better than the first.

Last Vegas

Now the inclusion of this film is really for my love of all the actors in it (only thing missing has to be Jack Nicholson) it looks like an older man version of the Hangover but it has to be much more fun!

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