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7 Dog T-Shirts To Surprise Mom On Mother's Day

By Petslady @petslady

Mother's Day is every day for a mom with a dog.  Dogs, after all, are the most loving kids Mom will ever have.  But I thought how great it would be if our dogs showed up in a special t-shirt on Mother's Day - wouldn't that be a kick?  I mean, instead of a silly card 'from the dog,'  why not a Mama's Boy t-shirt or an I Love Mommy shirt?

Here are some fun shirts for your dogs to sport on Mother's Day

1. Mama's Boy Dog T-Shirt by Petrageous

purchase info

Mama's Boy dog t-shirt by Petrageous
Mama's Boy dog t-shirt by Petrageous

2.  Keep Calm & Hug Mum Dog T-Shirt by Supergirl

in blue or white purchase info

Keep Calm and Hug Mum
Keep Calm and Hug Mum

3. "Mother" in Many Languages by MothersDayProducts

in pink or white purchase info

7 Dog T-Shirts To Surprise Mom On Mother's Day
"Mother" in Many Languages by MothersDayProducts

4.  I Heart My Mommy Dog T-Shirt

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I Heart My Mommy Dog T-Shirt
I Heart My Mommy Dog T-Shirt

5.   Mama's Boy Dog T-Shirt by Zack & Zoey

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Mama's Boy dog t-shirt by Zack & Zoey
Mama's Boy dog t-shirt by Zack & Zoey

6. I Heart Mommy Dog Embroidered Dog T-Shirt

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I Heart Mommy Embroidered Dog T-Shirt
I Heart Mommy Embroidered Dog T-Shirt

7. Happy Mother's Day Dog T-Shirt by CowPieCreek

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Happy Mother's Day dog t-shirt by CowPieCreek
Happy Mother's Day dog t-shirt by CowPieCreek

 Happy Mother's Day to all Moms and Pet Moms!

That's the buzz for today!

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