
65+ Trukey Trivia Questions And Answers

Posted on the 30 May 2021 by Smithonepa

June is National Turkey Lover’s Month which promotes eating turkey at times other than major holidays. Turkey’s meat is low in fat and high in protein, making it healthier than many types of meat. It is so large and more affordable meat than many other available types of meat.

You have seen this feathered bird at Christmas and Thanksgiving but how much do you know about this creature? This trivia page is full of interesting facts about turkeys, their habitat, foods which they eat, and much more. Some facts might surprise you.

Turkey trivia

Turkey trivia

1) The turkeys are relatively fast; at what speed they run?

Show AnswerThey can run at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour.

2) Which two senses are highly found in turkeys?

Show AnswerExcellent eyesight, and a keen sense of hearing despite having no external ears.

3) What is the mating season for turkeys?

Show AnswerIt occurs in the months of March and April.

4) How many eggs a female Turkey lay, and incubate them for a month?

Show AnswerTurkey lay 4 to 17 eggs.

5) What is the lifespan of a wild turkey?

Show AnswerIt is 3 to 4 years.

6) What is wild turkeys habitat?

Show AnswerMiddle and eastern portions of the United States and in limited areas in the west and in Mexico.

7) On which famous occasion, Americans sit around the table and enjoy a large meal, with turkey as the main course?

Show AnswerThanksgiving

8) Why is it important to wear camouflage-patterned clothing while in the woods for hunting turkeys?

Show AnswerBecause of a turkey’s keen eyesight

9) How many sounds are there that can be produced to draw turkeys in?

Show AnswerOver 10 different sounds

10) Which body part allows wild turkeys to run at speeds up to 25 miles per hour?

Show AnswerWild turkeys very powerful legs

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Wild Turkey trivia questions

11) Male turkeys are called “toms” or “gobblers;” what the female turkeys are called?

Show AnswerFemale turkeys are called “hens.”

12) What a turkey’s diet consists of?

Show AnswerSeeds, nuts, fruit, insects, and small lizards.

13) Which sense is not strongly presented in Turkeys?

Show AnswerThey do not have a strong sense of smell, and the region of their brain that controls smell is very small compared to other animals.

14) Where Turkeys are usually found?

Show AnswerIn forests, but they may also be found in grasslands and swamps.

15) How many feathers a turkey have covered its body?

Show AnswerA turkey has between 5,000 and 6,000 feathers.

16) Most of the feathers of a turkey are iridescent with which varying colors?

Show AnswerRed, bronze, gold, and green.

17) After how much time a newly hatched turkeys leave the nest?

Show AnswerWithin 12 to 24 hours leaves the nest to feed.

18) To stabilize what the native Americans used Turkey feathers?

Show AnswerTo stabilize their arrows.

19) In which part of America wild Turkeys are one of the most popular game birds?

Show AnswerIn North America.

20) Why Turkeys sleep in trees at night?

Show AnswerTo stay safe from predators at night.

Turkey droppings tell a bird’s sex and age. Male droppings are j-shaped; female droppings are spiral-shaped. The larger the diameter, the older the bird. What an amazing fact! More insane facts on this page about turkeys will amaze you for sure.

Turkey trivia multiple choice

Turkey trivia

21) What are wild turkey babies called?

A: Eyas

B: poults

C: Owlet

Show AnswerB: poults

22) What is the normal lifespan of a turkey?

A: 3-5 years

B: 1-2 years

C: 7-9 years

Show AnswerA: 3-5 years

23) How frequently does a turkey lay an egg?

A: About 4 per week

B: About 6 per week

C: About 2 per week

Show AnswerC: About 2 per week

24) How far can a turkey listen to your call?

A: 200 yards

B: 400 yards

C: 800 yards

Show AnswerB: 400 yards

25) What color are turkey eggs?

A: A white colored egg with brown speckles

B: A white colored egg with green speckles

C: A white colored egg with black speckles

Show AnswerA: A white colored egg with brown speckles

26) what is the size of a turkey’s eggs?

A: Weigh approximately 20 to 50 grams.

B: Weigh approximately 40 to 60 grams.

C: Weigh approximately 80 to 90 grams.

Show AnswerC: Weigh approximately 80 to 90 grams.

27) How far away can a turkey see?

A: 4-5 miles

B: 2-3 miles

C: 7-9 miles

Show AnswerB: 2-3 miles

28) How long do turkey eggs stay fresh?

A: Three to five weeks

B: Seven to nine weeks

C: One to two weeks

Show AnswerA: Three to five weeks

29) Which Turkey can fly?

A: Domestic turkeys

B: Wild turkeys

C: Local turkeys

Show AnswerB: Wild turkeys

30) In which year presidential pardons for turkeys started?

A: In 1979

B: In 1989

C: In 1999

Show AnswerB: In 1989

Thanksgiving and Christmas official bird Turkey is more than just a mouth-watering dish. Some mind-blowing trivia related to the iconic Christmas bird is on the way. Are you ready!


Christmas Turkey trivia

31) Which two English kings made eating turkeys a trend on Christmas?

Show AnswerHenry VIII and Edward VII

32) How many colors do the turkey’s skin on their head can change?

Show AnswerFrom red to blue to white

33) What is the most important use of turkey feathers?

Show AnswerUse to make blankets.

34) Turkeys do not have teeth, how they grind the foods?

Show AnswerThey eat stones to help them grind their food.

35) How many turkeys are killed for Christmas in the US?

Show AnswerAround 14 million

36) How many turkeys are eaten at Christmas in the world?

Show AnswerAbout 22 million

37) In which century the turkey appeared on Christmas tables in England?

Show AnswerIn the 16th century

38) How old should a female Christmas turkey be?

Show AnswerHens are slaughtered at about 14–16 weeks on Christmas.

39) What was used before turkey at Christmas?

Show AnswerGeese, boars’ head, chicken, cow, and peacocks.

40) Where do turkeys sleep at night?

Show AnswerOn trees

Turkey facts

41) How many stomachs does a turkey have?

Show AnswerTwo stomachs

42) What kind of trees do turkeys sleep in?

Show AnswerTurkeys usually select the largest and hardwood trees.

43) How long is a wild turkey’s memory?

Show AnswerAbout 5 minutes

44) At what time turkeys have poor vision?

Show AnswerIn the dark.

45) What time of day are turkeys most active?

Show AnswerIn the morning.

46) What is the weird red bit on a turkey called?

Show AnswerWattle

47) What is the purpose of turkey’s wattle?

Show AnswerWattle helps release excess heat.

48) What is a flock of wild turkeys called?

Show AnswerA group of turkeys is called a rafter.

49) What are the Just hatched wild turkeys called?

Show AnswerPrecocial

50) Other than turkeys which bird often bred for food in North American?

Show Answer The Muscovy ducks.

Turkey Trot trivia

Turkey trivia

51) How many calories do the average American consume during his/her Thanksgiving dinner each year?

Show AnswerApproximately 3000 calories.

52) What is a turkey trot?

Show AnswerIt is a footrace held each year for participants looking to burn calories before the Thanksgiving meals.

53) When does Turkey-trot held each year?

Show AnswerMostly it occurs just before the Thanksgiving Day each year.

54) According to USA Track and Field, how far a Turkey Trot Race?

Show AnswerThe distance is 3.1 to 26.2 miles.

55) What type of prizes are there for the winners of Turkey Trots?

Show AnswerCash, “turkey” T-Shirts, hats even a live Turkey or the frozen Turkeys.

56) What was the oldest Turkey Trot Race?

Show AnswerThe Buffalo Turkey trot.

57) What is the most popular and the biggest Turkey Trot Race?

Show AnswerDallas Turkey Trot Race.

58) Who created the Turkey Trot?

Show AnswerJohn Jarrott

59) Which year was the first turkey trot?

Show AnswerIn 1896

60) Thanksgiving Day turkey trots are older than which Marathon race?

Show AnswerThe Boston Marathon

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Turkey bird quiz

61) Which Turkey is a more difficult game bird to hunt?

Show AnswerThe Wild turkey.

62) What is an adult male Turkey is called?

Show AnswerTom

63) The domestic tom can weigh up to 50 pounds, the domestic hen up to 16 pounds. What the wild tom can weigh up to?

Show AnswerThey can weigh up to 20 pounds.

64) Where do wild turkeys make their nest?

Show AnswerOn the ground. It usually consists of a shallow depression in the ground, lined with dead leaves.

65) From where the Turkey bird originally came?

Show AnswerNorth America

66) What should you do if one attacks you?

Show AnswerMake yourself as bigger as possible and run at it shouting.

67) How much time should you set aside to thaw your turkey in the refrigerator?

Show Answer24 hours per 5 pounds of bird.

68) Which is the best time to stuff a turkey?

Show AnswerImmediately before cooking.

69) Which state of the US holds claim to Big Tom, the world’s largest turkey monument?

Show AnswerMinnesota

70) The Thanksgiving turkey stuffed with boneless duck and chicken are called?

Show AnswerTurducken

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