
60+ Harry Potter Trivia Questions and Answers [Updated]

Posted on the 09 June 2022 by Smithonepa

A beautiful series of novel, in fact, everyone knows about the main theme of the Harry Potter series. Still, I think there are too many things we need to know about Harry Potter. In this post, we summarized the Harry Potter novel and convert it into Harry Potter trivia questions and answers. As we all know that we can’t remember each and everything while reading or watching. So we should not the important points on any dairy or any document for remembrance.

All the important points covered in this post about Harry Potter novel and the Harry Potter movie. Some questions are hard and some quiz questions are easy.

harry potter trivia questions and answers

1. A fantasy novel “Harry Potter” written by whom?

Show AnswerJ.K Rowling

2. In the movie, Harry Potter Harry and his friends are students of which school?

Show AnswerHogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

3. The first novel “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone” release on which date?

Show Answer26 June 1997

4. Till February 2018 how many copies of the novel “Harry Potter” has been sold?

Show AnswerMore than 500 million

5. Till now in how many languages the novel “Harry Potter” has been translated?

Show Answer8 languages

6. Which are the 2 main publishers of the Harry Potter series?

Show AnswerBloomsbury UK based publisher, and Scholastic Press US-based

7. The total estimated value of the Harry Potter franchise is?

Show Answer$25 billion

8. According to Rowling what is the main theme of the novel series?

Show AnswerDeath

Hard harry potter trivia questions and answers

9. In Harry Potter, the word “Muggle” referred for what?

Show AnswerNon-magical people

10. Sirius Black Doe was the Godfather of who?

Show AnswerHarry Potter

11. Is Ronald Weasley mostly afraid of which insect?

Show AnswerSpiders

12. Fang was the name of who’s a dog?

Show AnswerHagrid’s

13. Who was the flying instructor of Harry Potter at Hogwarts?

Show AnswerRolando hooch

14. Who gave the book “Quidditch through the ages” to Harry?

Show AnswerHermione

15. Molly and Arthus Weasley are the parents of who?

Show AnswerRon’s

16. In the first match of Harry, who was the captain of Slytherin Quidditch?

Show AnswerMarcus Flint

Easy harry potter trivia questions and answers

17. Who gave Phoenix Tear to Harry after being poisoned by Basilisks Fang?

Show AnswerFawkes

18. Who was Dudley Dursley?

Show AnswerHarry’s Cousin

19. Which animal attacks Ron’s Father in Harry’s dream?

Show AnswerSnake

20. What was the full name of the headmaster of Hogwarts School?

Show AnswerAlbus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

21. Who were the 2 best friends of Harry?

Show AnswerHermione and Ron

22. James Potter is the father of whom?

Show AnswerHarry Potter

23. According to the book what type of magical plant harry use to breath underwater?

Show AnswerGillyweed

24. In book 1 which type of ice-cream Harry gets at the zoo?

Show AnswerLemon ice pop

Harry Potter trivia questions and answers list

couple trivia questions

25. Harry Potter born on what date?

Show Answer31st July 1980

26. Harry Potter birthplace name was?

Show AnswerGodric’s  Hollow

27. What is the color of Harry Potter eyes?

Show AnswerGreen

28. Do you know the maiden name of Harry’s mother?

Show AnswerEvans

29. Harry Potter first kiss was with whom?

Show AnswerCho Chang

30. Before accepted by Bloomsbury, The book “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone” rejected by how many publishers?

Show Answer12

Harry Potter movie trivia questions and answers printable


31. The movie “Harry Potter and the prisoners of Azkaban” directed by whom?

Show AnswerAlfonso Cuaron

32. Who own the company Grunnings?

Show AnswerVerson

33. Who made a prediction about Harry and dark Lord?

Show AnswerSybill Trelawney

34. Chamber of secrets initially open in which year?

Show Answer1943

35. Voldemort’s Father is buried on which place?

Show AnswerLittle Hangleton

36. Who was the headmaster of Hogwarts during Voldemort study?

Show AnswerArmando Dippet

37. The philosopher’s stone created by whom?

Show AnswerNicolas Flamel

Harry Potter movie trivia questions and answers

38. Who was the killer of Dumbledore?

Show AnswerSeverus Snape

39. “Nice big smile, Harry together, you and I are worth the front page” who quote this line?

Show AnswerGilderoy Lockhart


40. Professor McGonagall can be transfigured into what?

Show AnswerA cat

41. Who quoted this sentence? “I’ve always wanted to use that spell”?

Show AnswerMinerva McGonagall

42. The 3 Deathly Hallows in the movie are?

Show AnswerResurrection stone, Invisibility cloak, the Elder Wand

43. Who is known as the Half-Blood Prince?

Show AnswerSeverus Snape

44. The entry of the new Hogwarts professor at the beginning of the sixth book. Who was that professor?

Show AnswerProfessor Slughorn

Hardest harry potter trivia questions and answers

45. When Luna Lovegood and Harry met the first time, which book she was reading?

Show AnswerThe Quibbler

46. In which book Harry received much-unwanted attention from Rita Skeeter?

Show Answer4th book

47. Which type of creature that Harry free from slavery?

Show AnswerDobby

48. Who replaces his one eye with a magical eye, and what was his nickname after that?

Show AnswerAlastor Moody and nickname became Mad-eye

Harry Potter book trivia questions and answers

family trivia questions

49. In which book of Harry Potter wizard chess was played?

Show AnswerThe Sorcerer’s stone

50. Which other character has the same type of feather as Harry Potter wand feather?

Show AnswerTom Riddle

51. “Tom Riddle” also known as what?

Show AnswerLord Voldemort

Top harry potter trivia questions and answers

52. According to book and film, who was the prisoner of Azkaban?

Show AnswerSirius Black

53. Harry Potter Muggle family live on which street?

Show AnswerPrivet Drive

54. What is Phoenix in Harry Potter?

Show AnswerA type of feather

55. “I solemnly swear I am up to no good” who quoted this line?

Show AnswerHarry Potter

56. How many possible fouls are there in the game of Quidditch?

Show Answer700

57. How many ingredients were used in the polyjuice potion?

Show AnswerSeven

58. Who is Hokey in the movie?

Show AnswerHepzibah Smith’s house elf

59. Where was Hannah Abbott stored?

Show AnswerHufflepuff’s house

60. Who was Weasley’s pet?

Show AnswerScabbers

61. Who is Bellatrix Lestrange in the series?

Show AnswerNymphadora Tonk’s Aunt

62. What magical word is used to heal minor injuries?

Show AnswerEpiskey

Want to know more about Harry Potter? read this: 109+ Harry Potter trivia questions 

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