Have you noticed lately that your scalp has become very itchy? Besides that, have you also spotted some white flakes on your head? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, then you are most likely dealing with dandruff.

Even though this skin condition can be pretty persistent and annoying, fortunately, it isn't anything dangerous or serious. Millions of people suffer from it, however, luckily, it can easily be resolved.
That's because there are a variety of different things that you can utilize to get rid of it permanently, or at least for a longer period of time. If you would like to know what you're supposed to employ to accomplish that, then just take a look at these beneficial suggestions below!
Let's Start With Tea Tree Oil
A lot of people who wanted to get rid of dandruff, and simultaneously, strengthen their hair opted for a tea tree oil. So what can be said about it? Namely, it is an essential oil that has been utilized for decades for various conditions, like athlete's foot, acne, dermatitis, and many others.
What's great about it is the fact that it is high in terpenes-4ol, which has omnipotent antimicrobial properties. That's precisely one of the main reasons why this oil is so effective against dandruff. Although it's undoubtedly very helpful, you need to be very cautious when using it.
Instead of putting it directly on your scalp, it would be much better if you simply added it to the shampoo that you are already utilizing. If you put it on your scalp immediately, it may result in rashes, or inflammation, which is why you should refrain from it.
Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Is A Great Option Too!

Today, in this article, you'll see various things that you can implement to get rid of dandruff. Certainly, one of the most effective tools for these purposes is an anti- dandruff shampoo which can truly help you accomplish fantastic results. What makes it so beneficial?
Namely, most shampoos of this type were made to not only stop the itching but also to prevent potential flaking in the future. This happens to people who are generally susceptible to dandruff. A lot of anti-dandruff shampoos that you can find on the market are packed with pyrithione, which is capable of reducing irritation and inflammation.
Do You Eat Healthily?
Yes, the truth is that there are many products in the world that could help you combat dandruff. But at times, the solution to this problem doesn't lie in a single product, but in something you would never normally think of and that's your diet.
When was the last time you thought about the food you are consuming? Are you trying to eat healthily, or do you feel like there's no need for it? Now, if you do not want to spend any money on different products, yet you are ready to make some changes when it comes to your diet, then you can start by decreasing the amount of carbs you have regularly.
Why is that? Well, that's because (according to a lot of dermatologists) foods that are high in carbs lead to glycogen buildup, which yeast usually feed on. Aside from that, foods that contain a lot of dairy and sugar stimulate the sebaceous glands which means that your skin is going to become a lot oilier.
Therefore, if you would like to see whether the foods you are consuming are causing your dandruff-related problems, then you should, for starters, decrease the consumption of sugar and carbs.
Coconut Oil - A Powerful Sidekick
It is widely known that coconut oil is beneficial in many ways and can be used to treat different conditions. One of them is precisely this one . Many studies have shown in the past that if employed as a moisturizer, it can reduce inflammation, decrease dryness of the skin, and enhance skin hydration.
In addition, this oil, along with its compounds has antimicrobial properties which have been proven by several studies.
Hydration Is Important As Well
Staying hydrated is generally pivotal for our overall well-being. According to the experts, every person should drink at least two liters of water in order to properly hydrate their body, however, most of us fail to do this.

If your body is chronically dehydrated, it can lead to a lot of health-related problems, one of them being related to dandruff. Those who are already dealing with it may even worsen their symptoms when it comes to flaking and itching.
Another thing that you can do to prevent your skin from becoming completely dry is to wear an umbrella or hat when it's humid and hot outside. Aside from that, you should also steer clear of hairdryers, hair straighteners, and curling irons because all of them further dry your skin.
Now, this doesn't mean that you should completely toss them away, but just make sure to decrease their consumption.
How Often Do You Wash Your Hair?
We live in a day and age where people are continuously bombarded with various tips, tricks, and advice concerning different topics and problems. That's especially present on social media platforms.
You can run into numerous health "gurus" that behave like they've discovered the world. One of the latest trends when it comes to the health and beauty segment is related to hair washing. Namely, there are people who claim that you shouldn't wash your hair often, allowing natural oils to reside longer on your head.
Well, that's not the smartest idea in the world. On the contrary. By not washing your hair on a regular basis (approximately once or twice a week), you will allow dead skin cells and oils to pile up on your scalp.
Therefore, if you are already dealing with dandruff, or you want to do whatever you can to prevent it, then for starters, you should wash your hair relatively frequently.
As stated in the beginning, dandruff can be quite persistent, however, with the help of these tips that were mentioned today, you will show it who's "the boss" and will get rid of it forever. Let us know which of these tips you found to be most useful.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. We want to hear from you! Have you struggled with dandruff? What measures did you take? Did they work? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!