6 Things I’ve Liked Watching Lately
Because when the summer gives you
There’s nothing quite like the British summer to bring a literal dampener on your plans, is there? It feels like Louise and I have had ‘Brighton sister date’ pencilled and re-pencilled into our metaphorical diaries for weeks on end, and yet each week we’re outsmarted by the weather. Tut tut.
Ever since we both went away for separate University stints, Louise and I like to set aside entire days – rare for twenties’ girls, right? – and spend time with each other, swapping stories, eating all the food and telepathically communicating things to each other. It’s, quite simply, the best.
With bad weather and cancelled plans however comes the opportunity for not-so-rare duvet days and whilst unseasonal at best, we enjoy nothing better than preparing large batches of snacks, cosying up with our second duvets and enjoying a day-in sister date. Rainy days, days at a time, have been plentiful and so here are some of the things I’ve most enjoyed watching lately…
Hunter X Hunter
I cannot believe it’s taken me this long to catch onto the HxH hype. Seriously. My now-boyfriend convinced me to watch it and it’s one of my brother’s most highly recommended series and I can see why! The heart of anime as we know it today, HxH combines everything you love about the crazy anime world and it did it first. The series follows Gon and Killua, trainee Hunters, across five arcs of adventures and I just couldn’t recommend it more! Also, I bloody love that Netflix has so many anime options available nowadays!My Hero Academia
We started watching this anime a handful of weeks ago and it got seriously good! The anime follows a group of kids attending a school to become superheroes. Each character has a Quirk that sets them apart and becomes their superpower. Seriously into this one.Jessica & Krystal
One for my fellow K-pop girls, Jessica & Krystal was the reality TV show that starred the Jung sisters, originally airing back in 2014 before the respective SNSD and f(x) line-up changes. Sob. I’ve watched this series at least 3 times but we rewatched it recently simply because Louise and I are convinced that we are the Jung sisters. It’s a really charming watch and really interesting to see the sisters open up about things they’ve seemingly never shared before. Also, their wardrobes are just to die for.The Hills
Did an obligatory rewatch of The Hills. Strongly urge y’all to do the same ahead of the special in August with LC herself.Lucifer
I’m not entirely sure how I missed the boat on Lucifer when it premiered in January (probably overlooked it due to my spur-of-the-moment decision to move and subsequent manic packing) but I’m glad I eventually put some time aside to watch it. In short, Lucifer is about the devil, relocated from Hell to LA, and follows him working alongside the LAPD to solve crimes in his own unique way. It’s much more than it sounds though and I guarantee it’ll keep you pressing ‘Next’ hour upon hour.Orange is the New Black
Finally, it is indeed time for my annual push for you guys to watch OITNB. Guys, it is SO worth the hype. This season delved much further into issues including race, rape and the corruption of the prison system and I found it a gripping watch for almost every episode (bar one where I was probably just too damn tired to concentrate).Next on my to-watch list is Lucky Romance, Orphan Black and Cooked. A lovely eclectic mixture to see me through slow days!
Do you have any other recommendations for me?