When I made the decision to start this blog I wasn’t at all convinced that I would stick to it, but now looking back I’m glad I did. Here’s why:
1. Blogging helps me work through and hash out my own thoughts and feeling.
Blogging has forced me to think longer and harder about all the thoughts that race through my brain. If I want to clearly communicate something to other people, then I have to clarify it for myself first.
2. Blogging makes me a better writer.
I’ve never really considered myself a brilliant wordsmith, and still don’t, but forcing myself to blog at least once a week has helped me to improve my writing skills. The stats provided by WordPress are also an extraordinary help in knowing what topics are reaching people and what is falling flat.
3. Blogging helps me be more disciplined.
Success in life is not a single act, but rather a daily habit. Whether you want to write a blog, get fit, or lose weight, the key is consistency. Blogging has helped me to formulate healthy routines and habits, which has spilled over into other areas of my life.
4. Blogging gives me a sense of accomplishment and perseverance.
As a fellow blogger put it, “Every time something I’ve written is “liked” or commented on I get a sense of having achieved something, however small. I also get a sense of perseverance because there are days (like today) where I stare at the screen and don’t know what to write and just have to start typing anyway. Or there are days when I think I’ve written something earth shattering that will be Freshly Pressed the second I grace the world by pressing “Publish” and instead it sits there stagnate getting almost no hits and no feedback.“
5. Blogging brings me closer to people.
Besides reaching friends and family who live far away, blogging has also given those around me a small window into my head. It has helped me to make new friends, as well as connect on a deeper level with people I have known for years.
6. Blogging connects me with people and stories that I never would have encountered otherwise.
Through my blog I have also had the privilege of connecting with, and even counselling, people who live on the other side of the world, or whose path I would never have crossed without the blog. As someone who really enjoys making new connections, this has been a serendipitous delight of blogging for me.