Current Magazine

6 Reasons Why You Must Have Live Chat on Your Website

Posted on the 10 April 2016 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Did you know that, out of all the customer support channels available, both online and offline, customers derive the highest satisfaction from Live Chat? Or that every 2 out of 3 visitors to your site selling products or services will be more likely to come back to your site if you have live chat installed on your website?

In the past few years, with customers spending more and more time online, live chat has emerged as a very effective customer support tool for businesses of all sizes – from SMEs and start-ups to big corporations. And the reasons are quite obvious – Live Chat combines the best of both email support and phone support, and leaves out the worst of both. Live chat offers customer support “on demand” where customers what it and when they want it and it doesn’t involve frustrating IVR navigations.

And this fact is supported by various surveys. This infographic from the folks at WeProcess4U, an outsourcing company in India, presents findings from such surveys and gives 6 very good reasons why your website should have a live chat option.

Benefits of live chat on a website for conversions

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