
6 Pointers to Plan the Best Movie Date

Posted on the 14 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

Dating is not complete without enjoying a movie or two together. But how do you go about taking someone special out on a movie date? Going on a movie date is not as easy if you do not plan early in advance. It is a template every guy needs to help with the first and second dates. It can be high-end or a simple one at home. But, the simple one is not as simple, for you can easily mess up. Therefore, you can decide to stream a movie you both love on thepirateproxybay or go out. Here are guidelines you can follow to make it a memorable experience.  


Before the day of the movie, ensure you prepare. The preparations are better before the pre-date phone call. Have movies’ names and times on hand. You can also enquire the type of date your date likes to make the evening more about the both of you as you pick the preference of both of you. Avoid picking an action movie when you are unsure if your date likes them too. When you are not sure, choose something neutral that will interest both of you. In doing this, you show that you put thought into the date. 

 2.Buy the ticket 

If you want to enjoy a movie date in the theatre, buy a ticket for your date. Ticket prices cost a bunch of money, but you gain points when you take up the costs. Anyone with great conversation skills will work the ticket line perfectly. But, already having tickets in hand keeps you from worrying and the awkward silence of waiting in line. Plus, you avoid the disappointment of having the movie your date wants to see sold out. Going to theatres is best for first dates, but once you get used to one another, it is easy to enjoy a movie at home for it is cozier and cheaper. 

3.Gauge whether or not talking is okay

6 Pointers to Plan the Best Movie Date

Some people love to focus on the movie. But saying the right thing has a positive effect on your date. But, it also depends on the date. And the opening sequence of a movie is not the best time to start talking about what you had for dinner. But, if she starts a conversation, it is a signal to start saying something to her. All in all, it is best to focus on the movie in a theater for you are not alone. But you can establish rules when you are watching a movie at home.

4.Keep your tongue and hands to yourself

If your date jumps on you before the lights dim, enjoy yourself. But, in a theatre, if you know this can happen from your pre-date attractions, sit in the back and spare the rest from your make-out session. Otherwise, keep everything to yourself and focus on the movie. If you do not like what you are watching. Remain polite, watch it instead of letting your mind wander and letting your attention to the hot girl two rows in front of you. 

5.Make it an experience 

Make your movie date unique, for your date must have gone on other dates with other guys. Thus, make a lasting expression with your attitude, character, and energy. Plus, recognize every movie has a start, middle, and end. Start smart and end smart with a dessert at the coffee shop or ice cream to end the date. Also, you can decide to take a walk instead. In this way, you cement the experience with beautiful memories, and you set the stage for the next date, noting the common interest you have.

6.Do something else other than going to a movie

6 Pointers to Plan the Best Movie Date

Sometimes, consider doing a different activity instead of watching a movie. Sitting in a movie for two hours or more is not the best way to break the ice with a date. Enjoy dates later when you know each other better. Dinner is intimate and better to enjoy lovely conversations or a weekend afternoon coffee date in your favorite coffee shop. Movie dates are fun but use this tool later after you know your date better.

The post 6 Pointers to Plan the Best Movie Date first appeared on iNewstelegraph.

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