I cannot even believe that today my sweet little baby is half a year old. It blows my mind that in just a few months I will more than likely start thinking about his first birthday party! My how time flies. Since my last update Ralph has changed A LOT (you can read my 5 month update here).
The biggest change that we have made in the last month is Ralph’s schedule. Up until 3 weeks ago we were using this schedule that I wrote about a while back. While the schedule did work WONDERS for the first 5 months of his little life, it came time to drop a nap and push his bedtime. We are currently heading into week 3 of his new schedule, so I promise I will post it soon!
Baby Ralph is still sleeping in his Merlin sleep suit but totally honest, the kid is such a good sleeper and loves his little schedule so much that he could probably sleep without it. Not ready to get rid of the magical Merlin, so we are sticking with it for now. Ralph still is obsessed with his jumper and we recently introduced this little walker chair that he has had a lot of fun with (when we got the walker chair, we got rid of this chair). He loves the little activity center and to be able to sit up all the way!
One of the biggest things has happened between last month and this month is the introduction of food. I started with smashed avocado to introduce texture. It’s so crazy how he just knew what to do with the food. He tried to pick it up and put it in his mouth. SO crazy to watch. I even gave him a baby spoon at one point and he just picked it up like he had done it a million times and (tried) to put the food in his mouth (he missed of course, haha). After multiple tries with smashed avocado, I tried sweet potatoes (he hated them) and then went to the pureed fruit. Currently he is an apple and plum guy (I don’t blame him, I tried it and it’s really good).
Ralph can now ALMOST sit up on his own and he is obsessed with this feet. He constantly giggles and gives the biggest smiles to everyone he comes across. He loves airplanes (he took his second trip last week and his third is just a few weeks away), loves to snuggle and tell lots of ‘stories’. It turns out that baby Ralph has QUITE the little personality. I am afraid to say it but I am thinking this little boy is not going to be a little dare devil.
As far as sleeping goes, he is still sleeping through the night like he has since he was 6 1/2 weeks old. The 4 month sleep regression still hasn’t happened and every night that child goes to sleep and doesn’t wake up until the morning, I do a little happy dance. If I can say anything to anyone it is that schedules work!!
Baby Ralph is getting more and more fun every single day and I really cannot believe how quickly time is going. We love that little guy more than anything and it has been so much fun getting to know him the last 6 months!
previous baby ralph updates: one month, two months, three months, four months, five months