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6 Memorization Strategies for College Students

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

As a college student, memorization will be a core part of your daily study life. With the vast amount of information you are required to master within a short period, you cannot break through if you forfeit memorization.

If memorizing for a single class can prove challenging, you can imagine how doing so for all your classes can be.

6 Memorization Strategies for College Students

It is right to feel you lack the right memorizing skills when you have a lot to take in. However, it is not okay to believe that you are inferior because you failed to memorize a subject or a class.

Memorization is a skill anyone can master, and with the right strategies in play, you can always get on top of your memorization game.

However, if things get tough and you are running out of time for writing your paper, you can always outsource and get help from as you concentrate on memorizing your subjects.

The 6 Memorization Strategies to Look Out For

You can learn numerous memorization strategies that will boost your ability to grab information fast and easily. Some of these strategies include.

Linking the information you want to grasp with something relatable to you is one of the most practical methods of enhancing your memorization skills. If you have information that you find difficult linking up with relatable things in your life, you can make up a crazy connection.

Picture this: you are reading about an elephant's gestation period in days, and you find it to be 645 days. 645 happens to be a special number to you; say, the last three digits of your phone number are 6, 4, and 5.

You can link these two up to help you remember the gestation period of an elephant. Anytime you come across such a question, all you have to do is remember your phone number's last three digits.

Acronyms can be a single word, or you can use the first letter of items in a list to create a sentence that can help you remember the items you want to memorize. This is an effective way of giving your memory an easy time remembering what you have read or learned.

For example, the sentence: " My Very Educated Master Just Showed Us New Proposals" is a sentence created by using the first letters of planets' names. Memorizing this sentence helps you remember every planet's first letter; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and P luto.

When you make a visual image to represent an item you need to remember, you give your brain an easier time holding that information for long. Images connect directly to your brain's visuospatial centers.

An image will easily remind you of a concept by tapping into the visual area of your brain. Instead of struggling to remember the words, your brain will quickly pop up a picture related to the information you are searching for.

One main reason it is hard to memorize notes today is the influence of technology . Students prefer reading notes in soft copy formats on their laptops, tablets, or phones without a pen or paper to write on.

Reading the traditional way (reading from books) with a pen to jot down important points is a great way to boost your memorization power.

What's the reason behind this? As you write your notes or information you are reading from a book or elsewhere, you force your mind to separate more important information from the less important one. Jotting down the important points makes it easier for your mind to actively absorb new information for effective storage.

Quizzing yourself so often after reading can help you actively recall what you are trying to read. Avoid shortcuts like re-reading your notes when you can't answer the questions you have created for yourself. Instead, force yourself to remember the answers without referring to your books.

When you force yourself to remember without any results, you will know the areas you are struggling with. You can then read the specific area and use one of the other memorization strategies to memorize it.

It is also not advisable to quiz yourself immediately after you have just memorized something. You should wait for some hours or days to pass by before you test yourself to see if everything stuck well.

If you have watched actors rehearse, you will understand it is not easy memorizing, especially if there are many notes involved. However, when they act the words out, memorizing the whole script becomes easier, and with time, they won't need the help of the script to act.

When actors act out the words, they add emotions to the words making it easy for this information to sink. Applying this to your studies, you can approach your notes as a story.

Treat the events in the material you are reading as a plotline to a movie (especially for history notes), and the people in the events as characters with unique roles.

You will rarely forget what you grabbed and memorized through the acting technique.

Final Thought

The majority of these techniques feel strange and ineffective at first, but you end up reaping positive results with gradual practice. They become easier and more natural when you continue practicing them, and so it is important to remain consistent and committed until you see results.

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