Celebrating Earth Day is going to be a little different this year. Unlike previous years, when environmentally conscious folks would take to the streets and march for climate action, COVID-19 has restricted large group events. It's unfortunate because April 22, 2020 is a historical Earth Day- it's the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, and the first march for environmental justice.
On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets to protest environmental ignorance and to demand an environmentally conscious future. At that time, 20 million Americans equaled to be about 10% of the U.S. population. It's now recognized to be the planet's largest civic event, and it launched the modern environmental movement- foreshadowing the climate marches we have seen in the past five years.
Soon after the first Earth Day protest, the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Air Act were created, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It was a response to the overwhelming environmental support shown by the American citizens, and as a result, many other countries adopted similar policies and laws.
The 2020 theme for Earth Day is Climate Action, however in the wake of a global pandemic, taking large spread climate action in a group of significant numbers will be nearly impossible. At the end of the year, nations will be expected to increase their commitment to the 2015 Paris Agreement. Now more than ever, our voices need to be heard. How can you make an impact and take climate action while you're self-isolating at home? Here are some ideas!

Sign a petition
Let your voice be heard by signing a petition that fights for climate action. Change.org has many climate change petitions- why not sign them all?
Host a webinar
Do you know a lot about climate change? Want to teach people ways they can protect the environment? Why not host a webinar and present it to others online for free!
Trash collection
Do a solo shoreline clean up or pick up trash in a local park. Wear a bright green shirt so people notice you. If others see you doing your part to clean up your community, they may be more likely to take action. Inspire!
Contact a local policymaker
Write a letter to the representative in your riding, your local MP or another policymaker in your community. Hold them accountable for not meeting climate goals or urge them to create stronger environmental legislation.

Post to a blog or social media
Since reaching out to people in person is not an option, reach out to people online. Create a post or join an online environmental group. Share your message of climate action and hope for a more sustainable future.
Volunteer for an environmental organization
Contact an organization in your community and ask them if there's any way you can help from home. We are all practicing physical distancing, so many organizations need extra help mailing information and sharing their message.
Go dark
Turn off all of the lights and electronics and go dark for an hour. Put a sign up in your window telling your community that you are going dark for Earth Day and ask them to join. Just because we can't be together, doesn't mean that we can't share the message. Happy Earth Day everyone! Stay home, stay safe, stay PAWsitive!