I have a ton of papers due in the next two weeks and the words just are not coming.
So in an effort to save words for those that will be graded, I am attempting to give you the update of my life in 500 words or less.
School: Love it. The structure, the reading, the difficult discussions, the ACCESS TO ALL THE JOURNALS I WANT TO READ. Awesome.
Work: I get paid to play with an adorable munchkin three days a week. Stress relief plus money! And nap time! Awesome.
Social Life: Basically, I have one. At least once a week, I’m going out with someone up here, be it to a meal, out for froyo, or for a hike. I’ve had to be very intentional about this, because mostly, everything in me wants to stay at home every night and curl up in front of a movie on amazon.
Service: I started volunteering at a local homeless/transitional shelter as part of a class assignment, but I absolutely fell in love with the place and have been spending a few hours a week there ever since. The residents are so awesome and I love hanging out and talking to them. It also reminds me just how truly blessed I am.
Spiritual Life: It’s been shaky, and I don’t think I realized just how much emotion I had tied up in my church in my hometown until I was crying in my therapist’s office this week. But I think I have finally found a church home here in the mountains and it brings me lots of peace and joy.
Health: I feel exhausted and shitty all the freaking time. I thought I finally had it figured out (eat more, drink more water), but that doesn’t seem to be doing the trick any more, so I spent an hour at health services today getting poked and proded and letting the vampires take my blood. Hopefully, when I return Thursday there will be some sort of answer. Of course, it could always be related to…
Eating Disorder: I’m no poster child for recovery, but I am doing my damnedest. Unfortunately, “my damnedest” means that I’m consistently losing weight no matter how hard I try and how much I’m sitting on my butt. Awesome. Not.
Therapy: Basically, my therapist is amazing. Like, fucking awesome. And, after four years, it’s finally gotten to the point where I can cry in front of her. Which is good, since crying is easier than eating, which is what I have to do in next week’s session.
Coping: I am tangling like a fiend. Mainly because I’m really trying to do this recovery thing right and not switch symptoms and go crazy with alcohol or a blade. It’s not perfect, but I’m trying. Plus, I’m pretty sure someone will commit me to the hospital if I need any more stitches.
Overall: Pretty awesome, though I am often overwhelmed with pangs of loneliness and wishes to be with my friends at home.
Damn. 502 words. Whatever.