
50+ US Trivia Questions and Answers

Posted on the 27 September 2019 by Smithonepa

The United States of America (U.S.A) is usually known as the United States (U.S) having 50 states. The country is the third or fourth-largest country in the world. Do you want to know more facts about the country? Its historical and geographical structure? Then we provide you a number of comprehensive, simple and interesting U.S Trivia Questions and Answers. In this post, there are 50+ U.S trivia questions and answers about the history, geography, and media of the country.

US Trivia Questions

us trivia questions

1. How many states are there in the United States?

Show AnswerFifty

2. How much is the total area of the country?

Show AnswerThe total area is 3.8 million square miles

3. On which position the U.S stands in the list of largest countries in the world?

Show AnswerThird or fourth

4. Which country is slightly smaller than the entire continent of Europe?

Show AnswerThe United States

5. How much is the population of the United States?

Show Answer327 million

6. With respect to population the U.S is on which number?

Show AnswerThird

7. What is the capital of the United States?

Show AnswerWashington D.C

8. Which is the most populous city of the country?

Show AnswerNew York

9. Which three colors are there in the flag of U.S?

Show AnswerRed, White, and Blue

10. When did the European colonization begin?

Show AnswerIn the 16th century

11. From where the first inhabitant of North America migrated?

Show AnswerSiberia

12. On which way the inhabitant came?

Show AnswerBy the way of the Bering Land Bridge

13. After crossing the land bridge toward which the first Americans moved?

Show AnswerSouthward along the Pacific coast

14. When did the Colvis culture appeared in America?

Show AnswerAround 11,000 BC

15. What does the Clovis culture represent?

Show AnswerIt represent the first human settlement of the Americas

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American History Trivia Questions and Answers

16. From where the first inhabitant of North America migrated?

Show AnswerSiberia

17. On which way the inhabitant came?

Show AnswerBy the way of the Bering Land Bridge

18. After crossing the land bridge toward which the first Americans moved?

Show AnswerSouthward along the Pacific coast

19. When did the Colvis culture appeared in America?

Show AnswerAround 11,000 BC

20. What does the Colvis culture represent?

Show AnswerIt represent the first human settlement of the Americas

21. Which factors led to the American Civil War?

Show AnswerThe slavery of African and African American


22. Who was the first elected president from the anti-slavery Republic Part?

Show AnswerAbraham Lincoln

23. When the Union won war against the Confederate States of America?

Show AnswerIn April 1865

24. According to the Union’s viewpoint, what was the main purpose of the war?

Show AnswerThe abolition of slavery

25. How many amendments were made in the constitution of the United States after the war?

Show AnswerThree

26. What were the thirteenth and fourteenth amendments was about?

Show AnswerThese provide citizenship to nearly four million African Americans

27. What does the fifteenth amendment states?

Show AnswerIs ensures that Africans Americans had the right to vote

28. What became the goal of the Republicans in the federal government?

Show AnswerTo oversee the rebuilding of the South and to ensure the rights of African Americans

29. Who calls themselves “Redeemers”?

Show AnswerSouthern white Democrats

30. What leads to the spur in economic growth and development of the American Old West?

Show AnswerNational infrastructure including Telegraphs and Transcontinental Railroads


United States Geography Trivia Questions and Answers

31. What is the land area of the entire United States?

Show AnswerApproximately 3,800,000 square miles

32. Which is the largest state in the United States?

Show AnswerAlaska

33. What is the area of the state of Hawaii?

Show Answer10,931 square miles

34. The Appalachian mountain, divides the eastern seaboard from which two regions?

Show AnswerThe Great Lakes and the Grassland of the Midwest

35. Which is the world’s longest river system?

Show AnswerThe Mississippi-Missouri River

36. What is the height of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado?

Show AnswerHigher than 14,000 feet

37. Which is the highest peak in the country?

Show AnswerAlaska’s Denali (Mount McKinley)

38. Which is the largest volcano in the continent?

Show AnswerThe supervolcano underlying the Yellow stone National Park

39. Which country has most ecoregions out of any country?

Show AnswerThe United States

40. What is the type of climate in the Great Basin?

Show AnswerArid climate

Funny American Quiz

us trivia questions

41. Which country’s Supreme Court has a Basket Ball court on its floor?

Show AnswerThe U.S Supreme Court

42. What is “hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia”?

Show AnswerIt is a technical name for the “fear of long words”

43. Who created the invisible artwork that was paid $10,000?

Show AnswerThe actor James Franco

44. In 2015 who was selected as the mayor in the small town of the United States Dorset?

Show AnswerThree-year-old Robert Tufts

45. What was the real name of the Cookie Monster?

Show AnswerSid

46. Which American town has a population of only one person?

Show AnswerMonowi, Nebraska

47. Which U.S president thought it was hilarious to push the emergency button on his desk and then hide when the Secret Service came running?

Show AnswerThe 30th U.S President Coolidge

48. In 2012, a man wore 60 shirts and 9 pairs of the jean to avoid the extra luggage fee and travels from?

Show AnswerChina to Africa (eleven and half hour flight)

49. What is the name of the bridge for squirrels in Washington?

Show AnswerNutty Narrows Bridge

50. A computer programmer hired a woman at 8$ per hour to slap him whenever he uses Facebook during working hours, what is his name?

Show AnswerManeesh Sethi

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Hard American Trivia Questions and Answers

51. How much is the United States energy market size?

Show Answer29,000 terawatt hours per year

52. Where is the world’s longest Highway system?

Show AnswerIn the United States (91,700 km)

53. What is the share of mass transit in total U.S work trips?

Show Answer9 percent

54. How many U.S citizens won the Noble Prize in Literature?

Show AnswerTwelve

55. Where the first commercial motion picture exhibition was given?

Show AnswerNew York City in 1894

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