Destinations Magazine

50 Shades: Wuhan, China!

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Things got real spicy during that sunshine day in Wuhan, it truly felt like those '50 Shades' were fully served! For those self poured boozy drinks, I was very much available! The day was supposed to be a civilised one, I had a plan but with Wuhan serving pure sunshine I needed to embrace those boozy moments! Did I take things down to the river? I tried, I really did! Wuhan!

50 Shades: Wuhan, China!

It's always the way, I chose not eat any breakfast because I told myself I didn't have the time! Loving on Wuhan's metro, I changed from Line 2 to Line 6 because I wanted to find some 'French Concession' looking buildings not far from '大智门站/Da Zhi Men Station'. Sorry, I did not have the time! Those preserved and modernised historic colonial buildings served elements of British, French and Russian influence from years gone by. It seemed liked the local govvy wanted to celebrate these European looking buildings? Oh, they had done the most to make them look mighty fine! OK, allow me to backtrack a few steps because that Line 6 saw me brushing shoulders with Wuhan's former 'Dazhimen Station' that I had visited when I lived in Wuhan. I was living for the almost 2023 reunion, I felt the energy and appreciated that connection. The sunshine told me what I already knew, my APP assisted walk took me through certain streets but I found the correct street sign, I didn't have time for diversions! Hot damn! 

I appreciated those kitsch coffee shops but I only had eyes for one Hankow building, pardon my French because that building was actually part of the former 'Russian Concession'. Me mistaken? Yes, I hate to say it! '包公房子/Bao Gong's House' was the only point of interest that I wanted to see! Those domestic tourists were going crazy over that Russian inspired landmark, I took my time to take my photo but really the hype had me wondering and then some. I felt content because that colonial looking building reminded me of places that I had wanted to see during my actual time living in Wuhan, it felt correct that another key landmark had been clocked during my time back in that Hubei city! Wuhan really saw me at my best that day, I was ready for whatever the day had in store for me. Those colonial European looking buildings had people losing their minds in the best way, I looked on and felt like a trip to Russia needs to be planned. Hey, all in good time because you get what I mean? Do you know what? Easy now, R! 

50 Shades: Wuhan, China!

D.I.Y mixed drinks? Oh, yes! I stumbled upon this electric bright coloured drinks store that was located adjacent from 'Bao Gong's' House'. That intriguing looking 'juice bar' looked amazing, I frankly without any breakfast in my belly, thought it was a great idea to mix my own cocktail! I had a duty to Wuhan and myself to make some poor choices, that choice was exactly so, I was at peace! Grabbing my own basket, well that action would be a natural thing for me during that afternoon! It was barely lunch time, I had already bagged myself two miniatures of 'Beefeater Gin' with two kinds of fizzy pop. Naturally the fizzy drinks acted as mixers, I was able to mix my own boozy choice in a plastic cup after I had filled it with ice. The places 'camping style' vibe made me feel quite relaxed even though it was quite busy there. I sipped on that very strong drink with music pumping in the background, after Beijing's rain and Wuhan's first jammed packed day, I felt as if my holiday finally started! Getting another drink was at the top of my list! 

I literally was having the time of my life, as I sipped on my next drink that was when I realised there would be no going back! I kicked back and felt content with that venue as my second component out of four for the day. Honestly, those Wuhan brothers were looking fine as anything, fresh to death without any doubt in my mind! I actually thought about Wuhan becoming my home again but that definitely was the booze talking because I have moved on from that first overseas home. No toilets? I thankfully found some facilities across the road at a coffee shop, making a wise coffee purchase made it alright to flit back and forth during that day of drinking. The sun was shining but the only light I needed was the flash when I scanned my WeChat QR Code as I paid for my next self-mixed drink. I switched from gin to vodka, those miniature spirits made me feel as if I was onboard an airplane. Leaving no crumbs behind, you already know that I knocked back a third and a fourth beverage with no fucks given! For real! 

50 Shades: Wuhan, China!

Hankou's legendary River Park had my drunken attention, I had literally been metres away from the mighty Yangtze River as I sipped on those alcohol laced drinks. I somehow managed to take a few plausible photos of that uniquely Wuhan viewpoint. I had many memories flood back into my heart, it was a moment to treasure! Keeping it together I was able to walk along that riverside walkway for a little bit, I wanted to keep things moving because I still knew that sunset was imminent. I had chosen to visit a slice of the '汉口外滩/Hankou Bund' that was located away from the famous '江汉关博物馆/Hankou Customs House Museum' because I had no desire to see '江汉路/Jianghan Road'. I didn't want to be rude but I didn't want to be surrounded by those weekend crowds as Friday evening approached. Was it even Friday? I was boozed up enough, other than wanting to embrace every moment, the day wasn't my concern! Wuhan during that 2023 moment could never be the ick, never ever and I mean that! OK, I wanted another drink! 

The whole vibe along that slice of Hankou's riverside served me 'Russian Realness' once again because those statues told me a story for sure! I took in as much of the history as I could, getting back to seeing the Yangtze River so soon after the previous days bridge meeting felt correct. Being able to see the same river from different viewpoints made me feel content because the previous trip to Wuhan, well you already know that I made some poor choices. 2023 saw me pour it up 'day drinking style' but I knew that I needed to stay present enough, I felt duty bound to made things happen after seeing Wuhan all over the news for the wrong reasons back in 2020. The day so far had been blessed, things had been surveyed evenly with a relaxed pace in mind, I wasn't about to make that day stressful for no reason! From my mid-morning '大智门站' arrival, that sunshine day had me feeling alright and then some! There was no denying it, I need something greasy to eat, those drinks needed sopping up! My '点评' APP would lead the way! 

50 Shades: Wuhan, China!

The flying what? Wuhan had received my memo with strict instructions, I wasn't up for play, play! No, I wanted to go out that night after my day out, I had things to do! Making that night-out happen after that 'day session' required a huge fried chicken meal. Of course, the next day would most definitely land me with an abhorrent hangover, thinking ahead I would need some hangover food! No, I wasn't playing games! Checking my 'review' application was the only thing, I had no idea where such a place would be in that Hankou area. I called myself a taxi, with the quickness I was out of that congested area with the 'Flying Chicken' in my sights. The taxi dropped me off without any issues, the need for food was getting absurd, I was a borderline state! My maps guided me through an alley way, sure I appreciate those community housing blocks because they served Wuhan authentically! Ordering the house down, I waited patiently for my bumper chicken order. How I needed that fried chicken bonanza in my belly! Help me! 

My 'Flying Chicken' order went down a treat, bagging half of my order as leftovers secured another kind of 'bag' for the next day! Embodying my inner 'taxi slut', I headed back towards '光谷/Guanggu' because I wanted to try a super secret bar in '街道口/Jiedaokou'. My chicken meal had sobered me up somewhat, I wasted no time once I reached my hotel room because I wanted to marry the night! Heading down to 'Prison' for one drink revitalised me, I wasn't impressed with the clientele so I headed away from Guanggu. Checking my address once I got out of the taxi, I then followed several directions. Choosing the correct lift and floor took some going! Without any issues I saw a couple of rainbow flags, that bar wasn't busy but for me it was perfect because it allowed me to quietly sip my series of Negroni drinks. Wuhan had served me more than '50 Shades' because that hangover I experienced the next day was 'muy brutal!' For your information, that's Spanish! Wuhan kept it real, like really real and that's my business! Periodt! 

What A Shady Lady! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure

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