
50+ Mammals Trivia Questions and answers[All Types]

Posted on the 24 June 2020 by Smithonepa

Mammals are the animals characterized by some special features such as the presence of hair or fur on their bodies and four-chambered hearts. The female mammals have special glands that produce milk for the young ones known as mammary glands. Moreover, they have a neocortex region in the brain specialized for seeing and hearing.

Furthermore, their ears have three middle bones and have specialized teeth. There are a variety of mammals in the world including bats, cats, humans, and whales. To know more information about mammals read these 50 mammals trivia questions provided along with answers. These are some simple but very interesting and informative questions.

Mammals Trivia

Mammals Trivia Questions

1. What are the main characteristics of mammals?

Show AnswerMammary glands, a neocortex, fur or hair and three middle ear bones.

2. Around how many species of mammals exist?

Show Answer6,400

3. Which is the only mammal that can fly?

Show AnswerBat

4. What is the function of hair on the mammals?

Show AnswerInsulation

5. How much is the dog’s nose more sensitive compared to the human’s?

Show Answer1000 times

6. In terms of body heat, which word describes the mammals?

Show AnswerHomeothermic

7. What does the wild dog of Australia called?

Show AnswerDingo

8. Which mammal has the widest hearing range?

Show AnswerDolphin

9. Which animal was first domesticated by humans for food?

Show AnswerGoat

10. Which mammal has the longest tongue relative to its size?

Show AnswerNectar bat

11. Which is the only mammal capable of true flight?

Show AnswerBat

12. How many species of bat are there in the world?

Show AnswerAlmost 1000

13. Which is the world’s fastest mammal?

Show AnswerCheetah

14. What is the size of a newborn kangaroo?

Show AnswerAbout one inch in length.

15. What is the gestation period of a blue whale?

Show Answer10-12 months

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Multiple Choice Questions On Mammals

16. Mammals are ………

a) Hot-blooded                                            c) Cold-blooded

b) Warm-blooded                                       d) None of these

Show Answerb) Warm-blooded 

17. Monotreme mammals have how many species?

a) 4                                                                 c) 5

b) 3                                                                 d) 2

Show Answerc) 5

18. Mammals belong to the kingdom ……….

a) Animalia                                                   c) Archaea

b) Plantae                                                      d) Protista

Show Answera) Animalia

19. What is the scientific name of placental mammals?

a) Eutheron                                                   c) Eutheria

b) Ethiopia                                                    d) Eurecylia

Show Answerc) Eutheria

20. How long do brown-throated sloth sleep?

a) 2-3 hours                                                   c) 5-10 hours

b) 12-13 hours                                               d) 15-18 hours

Show Answerd) 15-18 hours

In addition to the characteristics of mammals discussed above, there are some other features as well which differentials them from other animals. They have larger and more complex brains than other animals and their lower jaws are directly connected to the skull instead of separate bones as in other animals. Female mammals also have a special organ in their body known as (uterus) where a young mammal is developed and grows.

What Makes Something A Mammal

Mammals Trivia Questions

21. An animal is mammal if it has what?

Show AnswerHair or fur

22. Which organ makes milk for the young mammal?

Show AnswerMammary gland

23. What is another unique characteristic of mammals?

Show AnswerThey have larger and more complex brains than other animals.

24. Where do mammals grow and develop before they are born?

Show AnswerIn the uterus, which is a special organ in the mother’s body.

25. What is the period a young mammal spent in the uterus called?

Show AnswerGestation period

26. What does a baby whale called?

Show AnswerCalf

27. What is the average weight of a calf?

Show Answer2 1⁄2 ton

28. Which is the smallest mammal in the world?

Show AnswerBumblebee Bat

29. In which region does the bumblebee bat are found?

Show AnswerAlong the River Kwai in Western Thailand.

30. How strong is the smelling sense of a wolf?

Show Answer100 times stronger than human being


Why Are Elephants Mammals

31. The mammal elephant belongs to which family?

Show AnswerElephantidae

32. What are the distinctive features of an elephant?

Show AnswerThe long trunk, tusks, large ear flaps, massive legs and tough but sensitive skin.

33. What is the pregnancy period of an elephant?

Show Answer22 months

34. Which is the only mammal that can’t jump?

Show AnswerElephant

35. Which elephants don’t have tusks?

Show AnswerAsian female elephants

36. When the World Elephant Day is celebrated?

Show AnswerAugust 12

37. What is the average weight of an elephant?

Show Answer400 pounds

38. How fast an elephant can run?

Show Answer25 miles per hour

39. What do female elephants called?

Show AnswerCows

40. How tall are the African bush elephants?

Show Answer304-336 cm

Do you know there are some unique characteristics of some mammals such as the only mammal that can’t jump is an elephant and whale is a mammal in which the main feature of mammals (hair or fur) is not present. There is more interesting information about mammals in these trivia questions which you want to know and learn. So, check these differences between mammals and animals trivia questions.

Difference Between Mammals And Animals

Mammals Trivia Questions

41. What distinguishes the mammals from other animals?

Show AnswerHair and Mammary glands

42. In which mammal the feature of hair disappears?

Show AnswerWhales

43. How do mammalian lower jaws hinge with the skull?

Show AnswerThey are directly connected instead of a separate bone as in other animals.

44. Which is the only mammal that does not bear live youngs?

Show AnswerMonotremes

45. In around how many families the mammalian species are arranged?

Show AnswerAbout 125 families

46. Other than elephants, which mammals have tusks?

Show AnswerWild pig, Walrus, Narwhal and Hippopotamus

47. How many heart chambers do a mammal have?

Show AnswerFour

48. Which mammal kills more people in Africa than any other mammal?

Show AnswerHippopotamus

49. Which mammal has the highest sense of smell?

Show AnswerElephant

50. How many species of carnivores have?

Show Answer280

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