Languages Magazine

50 Italian Phrases for Discovering and Learning Italian Language

By Tlb

learn italian language

Dante Alighieri's portrait by Sandro Botticelli.(Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Interested in learning Italian language? There are so many things to discover and learn in this wonderful idiom, but we have to take the learning one topic at a time. And to share one of the numerous topics to effectively learn language like this, let’s go the phrases. Various Italian phrases are commonly stated by common people, and the following below are fifty of the longest lists of Italian phrases along with other quotes, mottos, and words.


  1. A buon intenditor poche parole – Few words (are sufficient) for the good listener
  2. A chi fa male, mai mancano scuse – Who does evil, is never short of excuse
  3. A nemico che fugge, fa un ponte d’oro – Make a golden bridge for a fleeing foe
  4. A poco a poco – By little and little
  5. A prima vista – At first sight
  6. A vostro comodo – At your leisure, at your convenience
  7. Ad ogni santo vien sua festa – Every saint has his own festival
  8. Ai mali estremi, mali rimedi – For severe ills, severe remedies
  9. Aiutati che Dio ti aiuta – Helf yourself and God will help you
  10. Al fine – To the end
  11. Al fresco – In the fresh, in the open air
  12. Altro che! – Certainly; I should think so
  13. Amor e signoria non vogliono compania – Love and lordship like no fellowship
  14. Amor non conosce travaglio – Love never tires
  15. Amor regge senza legge – Love rules without laws
  16. Amor tutti fa uguali – Love makes all men equal
  17. Amore è cieco – Love is blind
  18. Anno di neve, anno di bene – A snow year, a rich year
  19. Assai ben balla a chi Fortuna suona – He dances well to whom Fortune pipes
  20. Badate a’ fatti vostri! – Mind your own business!
  21. Bella cosa far niente – Idleness is a nice employment (a beautiful thing)
  22. Bella cosa tosto è rapita – A pretty thing is soon taken
  23. Belle parole non pascon i gatti – Fine words don’t feed cats
  24. Bene placito – At pleasure
  25. Bravissimo – Exceedingly well done
  26. Breve orazione penetra – God listens to short prayers
  27. Capo d’anno – New Year’s Day
  28. Capo d’opera – A masterpiece
  29. Cavaliere errante – A knight errant, a tramp
  30. Cavallo que corre non ha bisogno di sproni – Do not spur the willing horse
  31. Cercare il pelo nell’ uovo – To seek the hair in the egg, to pick faults where there are none.
  32. Che ‘l perder tempo a chi più sa più spiace – Loss of time most grieveth him who knoweth most (Dante)
  33. Che non men che saver, dubbiar m’aggrata – Ignorance not less than knowledge charms (Dante)
  34. Chè per vendetta mai non sanò piaga – Revenge never healed a wound (Guarini)
  35. Che sarà sarà – What is to be, will be
  36. Che talor cresce una beltà un bel manto – Fine clothes often make beauty still more beautiful (Ariosto)
  37. Chi ama, crede – He who loves, trusts
  38. Chi be vive, ben muore – A good life makes an easy death
  39. Chi bestia va a Roma bestia ritorna – He that goes to Rome a foot returns a fool
  40. Chi cerca mal, mal trova – He who looks for evil generally finds it
  41. Chi ha l’amor nel petto, ha lo sprone a’fianchi – He who has love in his chest, has spurs in his sides
  42. Chi la dura la vince – He who perseveres wins at last
  43. Chi lar dura la vince – He that endureth overcomes
  44. Chi non fa, non falla – He who does nothing makes no blunders
  45. Chi più sa, meno parla – He who knows most, talks least
  46. Ciò che Dio vuole, Io voglio – What God wills, I will
  47. Corre lontano chi non torna mai – He runs far who never turns
  48. Così fan tutte – That is the way of all women
  49. Così fan tutti – That is the way of the world
  50. Cui niente sa, di niente dubita – Who knows nothing, doubts nothing


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