Animals & Wildlife Magazine

50 Cruelty-Free Companies

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

50 Cruelty-Free CompaniesGarryRogers:

Animal cruelty is the extreme measure of human disrespect for other sentient beings. Environmental pollution, mass extinction, and failed land-use management are consequences of our disrespect.

50 Cruelty-Free CompaniesOriginally posted on The Friendly Fig:

Thousands and thousands of brands test their products on innocent animals. Yes, this is a reality, and we are all aware. But have you ever really stopped and thought about it? I do… all the time. If you think about it enough, it will make you sick. If you’ve looked at the pictures, you have already experienced this, I’m sure.

The worst part? Animal testing does not help humans! How could we test on a being that is not ours to test on, for no reason at all? There are other ways to test, so it is time to take a stand against animal testing, and cruelty as a whole.

Shopping cruelty-free does not have to be expensive, either. Just like all cosmetics and products, there are inexpensive and high-end brands. The key is doing the thorough research to find a product that is within your budget. There are…

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