Food & Drink Magazine

5 Ways to Make Greener Choices at the Grocery Store

By Sweetpeasandsaffron

5 ways to make greener choices at the grocery store- let’s help reduce our footprint on this planet by making smarter decisions when we’re grocery shopping!

5 Ways to Make Greener Choices at the Grocery Store

Hi friends, we’re back with the sequel to 5 Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste in the Kitchen…and this time? We’re talking about the choices we make at the grocery store!

I’ve felt compelled to share these tips because I’m sick of feeling helpless about the way our planet is being treated. Sometimes it feels like all you hear is bad news, but that’s not very helpful. My goal is to give us a few simple, actionable tips so that we can actually do something helpful for the planet. Let’s fight back!

Honestly I’ve been really nervous to publish this post for a couple of reasons.

Number 1, I don’t ever want to come across as preachy. I don’t look down on anyone who picks convenience over a green choice…heck I do this sometimes too. You gotta survive in this crazy world.

Number 2, I’m not 100% there all the time with making green choices. Sometimes making the greenest choice is not straight forward, and sometimes I make mistakes, I don’t read the labels or end up with something with a lot of packaging. I am trying every day to be more conscious, and that’s all we can really do, right? Each day try our best to make the right decisions with what we have on hand.

Today we’re talking eco-friendly decisions at the grocery store!

I hope that you can get at least one tip from this post that won’t drastically affect your grocery bill, but may alter the decisions you make about certain products.

Let’s get into it!

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