Accessories really make a difference to your outfit.
- They take it from plain to interesting.
- They add personality.
- They add excitement.
You want to wear them. Don't be scared, nobody died from accessorizing. In fact, what most people discover is that when they accessorize more, they get more compliments.
They don't need to be expensive. There is so much great costume jewellery available now. Just avoid the stuff that looks really cheap. From wood to glass, from metals to leather there are so many different materials that you can make jewellery from. Check out my handy guide on choosing necklaces for your neckline.
How about a scarf? There are so many ways to tie them. Wear it as a belt, around your head or around your neck.
Belts are another accessory - they can be coloured or neutral, wide or narrow, have a feature buckle or a discreet one.