While every day should be a day for love, some people need a push and a motive to engage in dating. Holidays such as Valentine’s Day are great opportunities to do this – you never know what might come your way.
There are a lot of guys out there who wish to date, but have a hard time starting a conversation or coming up with a pretext to date. Sometimes, they have trouble not only convincing someone to date them, but also to convince themselves.
Valentine’s Day is therefore a great moment to take a step to try to get a date – if that’s important to you. Here are some ways to actually find a date:
Speed Dating
Speed dating is probably one of the best quick ways, with emphasis on quick, to get yourself out of your shell and practice talking to people. Basically, during speed dating, you get to know lots of people for brief periods of time and see whether you click. It’s a good way to practice talking to people and in a way it’s a lot more real than other types of dating, as you connect with the other person in real life. And you know the saying, first impressions don’t lie.

Online dating has become a new classic when it comes to obtaining a date. Many people start dating after meeting someone online. These days, there is a dating website for pretty much every niche. There’s websites based on religion, websites based on fetishes and so on. You can even find someone in your own are or use a website to connect with people from far and away – for example websites such as ru-brides.com connect you with Russian women and are pretty much a mix of every other type of dating website.
In case you didn’t know, there was once even a dating website for Amish people called. But we think it’s not very populated…
Dating apps are a very on trend when it comes to finding someone to go out with. Geared towards more impulsive people, they are usually a “quick fix” and focus mostly on hooking up rather than dating. Dating apps such as Tindr are often based mostly on looks, so they definitely target a certain market.
Dating agencies
While it might seem old fashioned, there still are many dating agencies out there. While these get a bad name from television programs and films, sometimes letting a third party set you up might be a good idea. The concept behind these agencies is basically that sometimes you don’t see yourself from the outside and therefore don’t really see the type of person that can be a good match for you. The only downside to dating agencies is that they are quite expensive and the results can be frustrating.
Asking people

If online dating isn’t for you and speed dating sounds too barbaric, you can try to go the old fashioned way and literally ask people. Now, we’re not saying you should be a creeper, but going out to a bar, a club or some other establishment where people meet and have fun is a nice way of getting in touch with people who might be interested to date.
Also, if you have a crush, Valentine’s Day might be just the right day to ask them to go out with you.
If you are someone who wants to date, but doesn’t really know where to start, you can definitely make use of these techniques. However, you should always keep your eyes and ears open and engage with people on every type of level, as you might be surprised of where you can find true love.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading:
Finding your love online: A few myths and a couple of tips
What should a man wear on a date
P.S. We want to hear from you! Which way do you use for dating? What bad past experiences have you had? What good past experiences have you had? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!