When done wrong, the journey of building up and promoting a brand gets tougher day by day. But when you follow and master the very basic steps, the path can get way more easy than imagined. With this article I will take you through 5 simple steps to build a top notch brand this year.

Develop these three basic things – Brand Logo, Vision and Mission –
Now let us start with the very first thing that is building up an ‘eye-catching’ brand logo. Often do people neglect the importance of building up a strong Brand logo and eventually slip to lower ranks. Just remember that your Brand’s Logo is the first thing that your potential customer will see and you would surely not love to lose the opportunity coming your way. Would you?
Talking about the Vision and Mission, they play a vital role in giving the first good impressions of your brand to the customers. They will build a picture or an outline in the minds of customer of what your brand is all about. And when you are thinking to go big and better in 2015, you surely need to have a powerful vision statement for your brand as soon as possible.
Build up a clean website for your Brand –
Let us imagine a situation where you have only 2 minutes to impress your potential customer with your brand. How would you approach? Would you stick to a simple and brief approach or opt for lengthy and tedious path? Well, one would surely put his money on simple and brief approach.
That’s the same case with your brand website. Keep in mind, an average viewer will stay no longer than couple of minutes on page. And you got only that much time to grab his attention. Keep your website as simple and informative as possible so that a viewer does not get caught in the web of promotions, advertisements and promos. Your ultimate goal is to build up a trust by providing correct set of information about your brand.
Social media is the key to success –
Now that you have a dedicated website for your brand, how would get more people to know about it?
The secret lies in proper utilization of Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to your benefit. Create a Facebook page and build up an effective community for your brand.
Although it is time consuming but for benefits it brings to your brand, you surely need to get in. Moreover, you can ask viewers for their feedback and even sharing your posts.
Keep in touch with your clients through Emails and newsletters –
Promoting your brand via e-mails is no brainer. But in order to get maximum out of it, you need to do it very effectively. Receiving frequent and too many e-mails may be annoying for a buyer sometimes. And hence you should keep yourself at bay when sending unnecessary and frequent mails are concerned.
Keep in touch with your clients by sending them newsletters, know how, flyers, brochures and booklets.
Create a Blog! –
The purpose of creating blog is to make your customers aware about your story, your brand and ultimately build a trust in him for yourself.

And if you don’t have enough time to create your own blog, you can even try guest blogging. There are tons of online platform that will publish your work. Don’t run for the incentives; rather try to publicize your brand as much as possible.