Now a days there are so many eyeliners hacks are available on the internet. But question is that whether they all are working or not? And yup, as you all know they all are not working in reality. When it comes to liquid eyeliner it is very hard to use but once you got mastery over it than I am sure that you will never go for any other kind! Here, in this article I have 5 eyeliner hacks which was tried in reality and it actually work.
Below Eyeliner Hacks That Actually Helpful
1. Use Fingernail
If you are going to use gel eyeliner than this hack will definitely help you a lot. First take eyeliner brush and deep it in your gel eyeliner. Start with making a line from corner of your eye and extend it towards eyebrow.
Than make another line to your eyelid and by this make a triangle. Than fill it and line your eye. Now use your fingernail for dragging the tip of the wing out to the tail of your eyebrow. By this you can create a very sharp edge. Than conceal the end and everyone will think how’s you did it?
2. Use a Folss Holder
Now a days on internet the latest eyeliner hack is viral that use a floss holder for getting perfect eyeliner look. Just take one of nifty little floss holder, coat it with eyeliner and stamp it carefully against the outer corner of the eye for getting perfect flick. Repeat it just above the original line so that ends can meet.
Now feel the gape with liquid eyeliner. Before using floss make sure that it isn’t flavored because different types of oils could irritate your eyes.
3. Go for Stencil
Eyeliner Stencils are easily available on online shopping now. They are not just looking cute but also very helpful. For this hack you can one own it. Just putting stencil over your eyelid about where you want to wing to be. Than fill in the space for create your wing. There are different types of stencils are available, some may provide a part that extends over your eye, so that you can line your whole eye or some may provide the outline for wing. But I am definitely sure that by using this hack you got perfect wing.
4. Use an Eraser for making Your Own stamp
Eyeliner stamps are really very helpful. There are so many stamps available online. But gradually they dry out as you use. If you want long lasting stamp than take an eraser and cut it into a triangle shape or shape you want your wing to be. Than fill it with liquid liner and stamp on your eye. Fill in the wing and clean it up if needed. On other eye also, repeat the same process. If you want to re-use than clean it with makeup remover.
5. Use a Piece of Tape
Just take a piece of sticky tape and put it at the corner of your eyes, make sure it extend up towards the tail of eyebrow. Than take your eyeliner and make a line from the tape towards eyelid. Fill the space to create a wing and line. Now remove the tape carefully. Before using this app remember one thing that you need to do your eye makeup first and foundation second so that your make up doesn’t peel of by the tape.
Try from above mentioned hacks and if you have any new then share with us. We will definitely include in our post. We’ll be back soon with some more beauty hacks. Stay tune.. Stay Beautiful