Computing Magazine

5 Types of Online Resources to Simplify Your Digital Life

Posted on the 04 May 2017 by Dreamtechie

Modern life can move at a dazzling speed, requiring you to be active and responsive to an interminable number of factors and situations each day. Balancing social life, a demanding work schedule, staying healthy and finding time for yourself and your family can seem an impossible mission. Stress can quickly overcome you and undermine all of your efforts in all directions.

5 Types of Online Resources to Simplify Your Digital LifeSource

As technology advances, it seems to become more complex, locked inside a web of terms and know-how that anyone who is not an expert simply cannot pretend to know.

However, the solution to most, if not all of your problems, can be found with the help of the same technology. Online apps, services, tools and platforms, some of them free of charge, can help you at every step of the way during the day.

Here are five types of online resources to simplify your Digital Life

Perhaps the primary cause of stress in your like is the lack of time. Stemming from a belated professional life that has you working even at home, your stress levels rise each time you are reminded of another chore or task that you forgot about. A traditional agenda is no longer a viable option as an important meeting and your child's soccer practice seem to bundle and overlap each other by fate, taking any sort of control away from your hands.

By planning your day thoroughly with online organizers such as Trello, Pocket, or Markticle, you will be able to make time for things that truly matter. Free from worrying about whether or not you forgot to do something, your life will become simpler and more enjoyable.

Related to work, task managers such as Yanado organize your daily goals and track your progress, allowing you to give up another source of stress. Since their appearance in a more rudimentary form, online organizers have always been popular, and that is for good reason. They work as reminders, fluidly shaping your schedule each day.

Connected to the last point, organizing is most impactful when coupled with storage devices. Dropbox, Wetransfer or Evernote fulfill this part with ease, making fast, safe and reliable file sharing commonplace.

Thanks to them, businesses from large to small enjoy a freedom of movement that was previously unknown. Files upon files no longer flood the office, but navigate perfectly from one computer to another, irrespective of proximity.

By using online storage services, which allow you to access your files from anywhere, your life will be made simpler. Moreover, coordinating and communicating with the office colleagues will be made easier, enhancing your work performance.

3. Fewer Accounts, Simpler Life

A large part of modern life takes place in the online environment. Whether it is for personal or professional reasons, these days you simply cannot avoid going online. As the intricate web of domains, pages, apps and features you might come into contact with will require some form of registration, remembering all of the passwords and other credentials can wear you down mentally over time.

As such, various plugins and apps can remember each password and account for you, such as LastPass, or reunite all your social media accounts within one platform, like LiveGo does. Other services, like Meebo Messenger and eBuddy, centralize your instant messaging accounts. By simplifying your online life, you will be simplifying your life entirely.

4. Personalized Newsletters

Watching TV is not as popular as it once used to be. That is particularly true for the younger, tech-savvy generation. Reading newspapers is another activity that has long been defunct. However, staying informed is a goal that every educated individual should aspire to, and the online environment has made that easier to achieve than ever.

As sifting through the largely low quality articles you might come across on social media takes up valuable time, you can opt for a personalized newsletter. These can be designed to include anything from general news and events to specialized courses. For example, ProductPsychology offers lessons on user behavior, while Startup Digest keeps you up to date with all things related to startups in your area. With their help, you can stay up to speed with ease.

5. Communication Applications

Directly calling someone is largely redundant in the world of today, which is to be appreciated as a constantly ringing phone is the personal nightmare of any sane person. Instead of reaching for the phone, you can turn to the various communication apps that have taken off in the last period.

Skype would be the obvious example here, but other choices include names like Discord, ooVoo, VSee or Facetime, about which you can read more at By choosing one of these applications and sharing it with your entire group of friends and office, you can save tremendous amounts of time that you would usually spend calling and recalling each and every one of them.

The subject of works of science-fiction just a few decades ago, communication applications are now a reality that is not appreciated enough. Moreover, these services all include other features such as file sharing, ensuring a smooth and easy communication between larger groups of people.

If you have limited your internet usage until now to mainly browsing, it is time to adopt an entirely new outlook on work and personal life with the help of these five types of online resources. Each of them can work for you, simplifying, organizing and easing your life in more ways that you will probably notice.

Whether we like it or not, the internet is and will from now on be a big part of the world and invariably, of our lives. Accepting that fact and putting its ramifications to our betterment and use can only bring benefits.

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Wrongly using or even trying to resist technology can only complicate your life. Conversely, actively understanding and keeping up with its perpetual progress entails a new period of relaxation and simplification of your life because, in the end, technology makes life easier.

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