
5 Tips to Keep In Mind for Formal Resignation Letter

Posted on the 11 November 2021 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

You may want to email a resignation letter as you have planned to leave your job. It’s important that you know what the resignation letter should be like!

Some people may stop coming to the office while others may inform via text. For the email resignation letter, you have to know what goes in the content.

Consider the following:

#1. Give The Intention to Leave The Job

In the resignation letter, give the intention of leaving the job. Make sure the resignation letter is short and clearly states that you are leaving the job. You need not be dramatic about the whole situation nor do you need to put your heart out in the resignation letter. If you had negative feelings or there was an issue, it’s better not to write it in the resignation letter.

#2. Inform About The Last Date

In the resignation letter, let the employer know about your last date. Explicitly mention in the letter when you will be leaving your job. It’s always better to give a two weeks’ notice as the company will be able to find your replacement. When the company knows when you are finally leaving, they will be able to conduct interviews and hire someone for your current position.

#3. Offer Smooth Transition

In the resignation letter, offer to train the new employee who will be replacing your position. You can say in your letter that you can do your best to train your replacement. When you leave the company, it’s possible that you were the only person aware of a certain process. It’s good to train a new person so that you leave things on a positive note.

#4. Provide Relevant Information

Provide your contact details. If you are leaving your job because of relocation, you can provide the new contact details. The key is to be in the good books of the company so that in case they plan to retire, you will already be on the good side. When you give the contact details, it will be easy for the company to approach you whenever there is an opening of your interest. If you are the key person of the company, people would love to rehire you.

#5. Appreciate Your Boss

Appreciate your boss in the resignation letter or email. Just say that you appreciate your employer for the opportunity to learn and grow in the company. There is no need to be critical and brag about the new job or boss. You never know when you will cross paths with your boss. It’s better to leave on a positive note.

Wrapping It Up

Writing a resignation letter whether in email or other way requires effort on your part. It has to be formal and to the point. A straightforward letter will let the company know that you are leaving. Mention the date when you plan on leaving and offer to train the new replacement. There could be a number of reasons to leave the current one, but you need not write stories in the resignation letter.

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