
5 Tips for Maintaining Your Swimming Pool

Posted on the 24 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

Owning a swimming pool is one of life’s great luxuries, giving you access to exercise and relaxation whenever it suits. Not to mention, it’s something to impress your guests and neighbours if they come to visit!

But they won’t be green with envy if the water in your pool has turned the same shade, so keeping on top of your pool’s maintenance is paramount.

Here are our top tips for keeping your swimming pool crystal clear.

Clean the filter

You should do this weekly, whether you have used the pool much or not. Cleaning the filter ensures that it keeps working at its maximum output and that bacteria do not start to build up in the water.

You should also have the mechanics of your filter serviced regularly – once a year at the very least to be certain that it is in proper working order.

Keep stock of necessary chemicals

You will need to treat the water in your pool regularly to further ensure that bacteria and other harmful germs do not start to form.

It’s unlikely that these products will be part of your weekly shopping delivery, so make an extra effort to check their levels at all times. Waiting for more to be delivered could give pool nasties just enough time to spread – leaving you with the laborious and potentially expensive task of a full drain and refill.

Use a pH meter regularly 

Paying proper attention to whether your water is turning acidic or alkaline is very important. If your water’s pH levels fall below 7.0, the higher acidity could start to corrode the metals used in your pool’s fixings. Straying towards 8.0 and the chlorine in your water will become ineffective, leading to scaling.

Using a pH meter regularly helps you be certain about the health of your pool. Anything between 7.0 and 7.6 and you’re golden. 

Vacuuming the pool floor

No, put the Dyson down, that’s not what you’re going to be using. A specialist pool vac can typically be used with water remaining in situ and is particularly important in preventing the spread of algae blooms. 

After a shock treatment and the application of algaecide, you’ll need to clear up the debris – this is where a pool vac comes into place, sucking away all the small bits and leaving clear water behind.

Handle chemicals properly and carefully

To protect yourself and your pool, always be extra careful when handling any chemicals. 

Chlorine and bromine can cause serious health problems if ingested in large quantities. You should always wear protective gloves when handling, and never use more than the manufacturer’s recommendation when sanitising your pool. Your fixtures could also be at risk if you overdo it.

The post 5 tips for maintaining your swimming pool first appeared on iNewstelegraph.

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